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sarah-hanus authored Oct 26, 2021
2 parents f79e7b4 + 6a467a2 commit 2b20b5c
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Showing 3 changed files with 399 additions and 7 deletions.
385 changes: 385 additions & 0 deletions oggm/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3360,6 +3360,391 @@ def run_with_hydro(gdir, run_task=None, store_monthly_hydro=False,
fpath = gdir.get_filepath('model_diagnostics', filesuffix=suffix)
ods.to_netcdf(fpath, mode='a')

def run_with_hydro_daily(gdir, run_task=None, ref_area_from_y0=False, Testing=False, **kwargs):
"""Run the flowline model and add hydro diagnostics on daily basis (experimental!).
- Add the possibility to merge with previous model runs
- Add the possibility to prescribe glacier area (e.g. with starting area)
- Add the possibility to record MB during run to improve performance
(requires change in API)
- ...
run_task : func
any of the `run_*`` tasks in the MBSandbox.flowline_TIModel module.
The mass-balance model used needs to have the `add_climate` output
kwarg available though.
ref_area_from_y0 : bool
the hydrological output is computed over a reference area, which
per default is the largest area covered by the glacier in the simulation
period. Use this kwarg to force a specifi area to the state of the
glacier at the provided simulation year.
Testing: if set to true, the 29th of February is set to nan values in non-leap years, so that the remaining days
are at the same index in non-leap and leap years, if set to false the last 366th day in non-leap years
is set to zero
**kwargs : all valid kwargs for ``run_task``

# Make sure it'll return something
kwargs['return_value'] = True

# Check that kwargs are compatible
if kwargs.get('store_monthly_step', False):
raise InvalidParamsError('run_with_hydro only compatible with '
if kwargs.get('mb_elev_feedback', 'annual') != 'annual':
raise InvalidParamsError('run_with_hydro only compatible with '
"mb_elev_feedback='annual' (yes, even "
"when asked for monthly hydro output).")
out = run_task(gdir, **kwargs)
if out is None:
raise InvalidWorkflowError('The run task ({}) did not run '

# Mass balance model used during the run
mb_mod = out.mb_model

# Glacier geometry during the run
suffix = kwargs.get('output_filesuffix', '')

# We start by fetching mass balance data and geometry for all years
# model_geometry files always retrieve yearly timesteps
fmod = FileModel(gdir.get_filepath('model_geometry', filesuffix=suffix))
# The last one is the final state - we can't compute MB for that
years = fmod.years[:-1]

# Geometry at y0 to start with + off-glacier snow bucket
bin_area_2ds = []
bin_elev_2ds = []
ref_areas = []
snow_buckets = []
for fl in fmod.fls:
# Glacier area on bins
bin_area = fl.bin_area_m2

# snow_buckets.append(bin_area * 0)
# snow_buckets.append(np.zeros(len(bin_area)))

# Output 2d data
shape = len(years), len(bin_area)
bin_area_2ds.append(np.empty(shape, np.float64))
bin_elev_2ds.append(np.empty(shape, np.float64))

# Ok now fetch all geometry data in a first loop
# We do that because we might want to get the largest possible area (default)
# and we want to minimize the number of calls to run_until
for i, yr in enumerate(years):
for fl_id, (fl, bin_area_2d, bin_elev_2d) in \
enumerate(zip(fmod.fls, bin_area_2ds, bin_elev_2ds)):
# Time varying bins
bin_area_2d[i, :] = fl.bin_area_m2
bin_elev_2d[i, :] = fl.surface_h

if not ref_area_from_y0:
# Ok we get the max area instead
for ref_area, bin_area_2d in zip(ref_areas, bin_area_2ds):
ref_area[:] = bin_area_2d.max(axis=0)

# Ok now we have arrays, we can work with that
# -> second time varying loop is for mass-balance

ntime = len(years) + 1
# for each year store 366 values #last one should be 0 or nann in non leap years
oshape = (ntime, 366)
# for daily usage
seconds = cfg.SEC_IN_DAY

out = {
'off_area': {
'description': 'Off-glacier area',
'unit': 'm 2',
'data': np.zeros(ntime),
'on_area': {
'description': 'On-glacier area',
'unit': 'm 2',
'data': np.zeros(ntime),
'melt_off_glacier': {
'description': 'Off-glacier melt',
'unit': 'kg yr-1',
'data': np.zeros(oshape),
'melt_on_glacier': {
'description': 'On-glacier melt',
'unit': 'kg yr-1',
'data': np.zeros(oshape),
'melt_residual_off_glacier': {
'description': 'Off-glacier melt due to MB model residual',
'unit': 'kg yr-1',
'data': np.zeros(oshape),
'melt_residual_on_glacier': {
'description': 'On-glacier melt due to MB model residual',
'unit': 'kg yr-1',
'data': np.zeros(oshape),
'liq_prcp_off_glacier': {
'description': 'Off-glacier liquid precipitation',
'unit': 'kg yr-1',
'data': np.zeros(oshape),
'liq_prcp_on_glacier': {
'description': 'On-glacier liquid precipitation',
'unit': 'kg yr-1',
'data': np.zeros(oshape),
'snowfall_off_glacier': {
'description': 'Off-glacier solid precipitation',
'unit': 'kg yr-1',
'data': np.zeros(oshape),
'snowfall_on_glacier': {
'description': 'On-glacier solid precipitation',
'unit': 'kg yr-1',
'data': np.zeros(oshape),
'snow_bucket': {
'description': 'Off-glacier snow reservoir (state variable)',
'unit': 'kg',
'data': np.zeros(oshape),
'model_mb': {
'description': 'Annual mass-balance from dynamical model',
'unit': 'kg yr-1',
'data': np.zeros(ntime),
'residual_mb': {
'description': 'Difference (before correction) between mb model and dyn model melt',
'unit': 'kg yr-1',
'data': np.zeros(oshape),

# Initialize
prev_model_vol = fmod.volume_m3

for i, yr in enumerate(years):

for fl_id, (ref_area, snow_bucket, bin_area_2d, bin_elev_2d) in \
enumerate(zip(ref_areas, snow_buckets, bin_area_2ds, bin_elev_2ds)):

bin_area = bin_area_2d[i, :]
bin_elev = bin_elev_2d[i, :]

# Make sure we have no negative contribution when glaciers are out
off_area = utils.clip_min(ref_area - bin_area, 0)

mb_out = mb_mod.get_daily_mb(bin_elev, fl_id=fl_id,
mb, _, _, prcp, prcpsol = mb_out
raise InvalidWorkflowError('Run with hydro daily needs a daily MB '
'model, so it can only run with TIModel.')

except ValueError as e:
if 'too many values to unpack' in str(e):
raise InvalidWorkflowError('Run with hydro needs a MB '
'model able to add climate '
'info to `get_annual_mb`.')

# Here we use mass (kg/time) not ice volume (mb is m ice per second)
mb *= seconds * cfg.PARAMS['ice_density']

# Bias of the mb model is a fake melt term that we need to deal with

#check if year is leap year
days_in_year = len(np.sum(prcpsol, axis=0))
SEC_IN_YEAR = cfg.SEC_IN_DAY * days_in_year

mb_bias = mb_mod.bias * seconds / SEC_IN_YEAR #cfg.SEC_IN_YEAR

# on daily basis prcp has shape (bins, days in year) bin_area must have shape (bins,1)
bin_area = bin_area[:, np.newaxis]
off_area = off_area[:, np.newaxis]
liq_prcp_on_g = (prcp - prcpsol) * bin_area
liq_prcp_off_g = (prcp - prcpsol) * off_area

prcpsol_on_g = prcpsol * bin_area
prcpsol_off_g = prcpsol * off_area

# IMPORTANT: this does not guarantee that melt cannot be negative
# the reason is the MB residual that here can only be understood
# as a fake melt process.
# In particular at the monthly scale this can lead to negative
# or winter positive melt - we try to mitigate this
# issue at the end of the year
melt_on_g = (prcpsol - mb) * bin_area
melt_off_g = (prcpsol - mb) * off_area

# This is the bad boy
bias_on_g = mb_bias * bin_area
bias_off_g = mb_bias * off_area

# Update bucket with accumulation and melt
# snow bucket has size (heights, 366) but prcpsol_off_g only has (heights, 365 if no leap year)
# so we have to add a column to
if days_in_year == 365:
prcpsol_off_g = np.c_[prcpsol_off_g, np.zeros(len(bin_elev))]
melt_off_g = np.c_[melt_off_g, np.zeros(len(bin_elev))]

# loop through all days to get snow bucket correctly
snow_bucket_daily = np.zeros((len(snow_bucket), 366))
for day in range(366):
# you have to have snow bucket from day before that gets updated
# but you also have to store it before
snow_bucket += prcpsol_off_g[:, day]
# It can only melt that much
melt_off_g[:, day] = np.where((snow_bucket - melt_off_g[:, day]) >= 0, melt_off_g[:, day], snow_bucket)
# Update bucket
snow_bucket -= melt_off_g[:, day]
snow_bucket_daily[:, day] = snow_bucket

# Daily out
# we want daily output of all bins, so the bins have to be summed up
# if not a leap year, the last day will remain 0
out['melt_off_glacier']['data'][i, :] = np.sum(melt_off_g, axis=0)
out['melt_on_glacier']['data'][i, :days_in_year] = np.sum(melt_on_g, axis=0)
out['melt_residual_off_glacier']['data'][i, :days_in_year] = np.sum(bias_off_g, axis=0)
out['melt_residual_on_glacier']['data'][i, :days_in_year] = np.sum(bias_on_g, axis=0)
out['liq_prcp_off_glacier']['data'][i, :days_in_year] = np.sum(liq_prcp_off_g, axis=0)
out['liq_prcp_on_glacier']['data'][i, :days_in_year] = np.sum(liq_prcp_on_g, axis=0)
out['snowfall_off_glacier']['data'][i, :] = np.sum(prcpsol_off_g, axis=0)
out['snowfall_on_glacier']['data'][i, :days_in_year] = np.sum(prcpsol_on_g, axis=0)

# Snow bucket is a state variable - stored at end of timestamp
# last day of year has to be stored as the first one for next year
out['snow_bucket']['data'][i + 1, 0] += np.sum(snow_bucket_daily, axis=0)[-1]
out['snow_bucket']['data'][i, 1:] += np.sum(snow_bucket_daily, axis=0)[:-1]

# Update the annual data
out['off_area']['data'][i] = np.sum(off_area)
out['on_area']['data'][i] = np.sum(bin_area)

# put the residual where we can
for melt, bias in zip(
out['melt_on_glacier']['data'][i, :],
out['melt_off_glacier']['data'][i, :],
out['melt_residual_on_glacier']['data'][i, :],
out['melt_residual_off_glacier']['data'][i, :],

real_melt = melt - bias
to_correct = utils.clip_min(real_melt, 0)
to_correct_sum = np.sum(to_correct)
if (to_correct_sum > 1e-7) and (np.sum(melt) > 0):
# Ok we correct the positive melt instead
fac = np.sum(melt) / to_correct_sum
melt[:] = to_correct * fac

# Correct for mass-conservation and match the ice-dynamics model
fmod.run_until(yr + 1)
model_mb = (fmod.volume_m3 - prev_model_vol) * cfg.PARAMS['ice_density']
prev_model_vol = fmod.volume_m3

reconstructed_mb = (out['snowfall_on_glacier']['data'][i, :].sum() -
out['melt_on_glacier']['data'][i, :].sum())
residual_mb = model_mb - reconstructed_mb

# Now correct
# We try to correct the melt only where there is some
asum = out['melt_on_glacier']['data'][i, :].sum()
if asum > 1e-7 and (residual_mb / asum < 1):
# try to find a fac
fac = 1 - residual_mb / asum
corr = out['melt_on_glacier']['data'][i, :] * fac
residual_mb = out['melt_on_glacier']['data'][i, :] - corr
out['melt_on_glacier']['data'][i, :] = corr
# We simply spread over the days
# TO DO: more sophisticated approach??
# with this approach proably more negative melt contributions??
residual_mb /= days_in_year
out['melt_on_glacier']['data'][i, :] = (out['melt_on_glacier']['data'][i, :] -

out['model_mb']['data'][i] = model_mb
out['residual_mb']['data'][i] = residual_mb

vars = ['melt_off_glacier', 'melt_on_glacier', 'melt_residual_off_glacier', 'melt_residual_on_glacier',
'liq_prcp_off_glacier', 'liq_prcp_on_glacier', 'snowfall_off_glacier', 'snowfall_on_glacier']
if days_in_year == 365:
for var in vars:
out[var]['data'][i, -1] = np.NaN
if Testing == True:
# this is basically just for testing (to see whether monthly volumes of daily and monthly mb match
# don't use it for the real version
#only works if sm = 1
out[var]['data'][i, :] = np.concatenate(
(out[var]['data'][i, :59], np.array([np.NaN]), out[var]['data'][i, 59:-1]))

# Convert to xarray
out_vars = cfg.PARAMS['store_diagnostic_variables']
ods = xr.Dataset()
ods.coords['time'] = fmod.years
ods.coords['day_2d'] = ('day_2d', np.arange(1, 367))
# For the user later
# if nh = 10, if sh = 4
# first day of October 274 (leapyear 275)
# first day of April 91 (leapyear 92)
sm = cfg.PARAMS['hydro_month_' + mb_mod.hemisphere]
# in Lili's massbalance this is 1 for nh and 4 for sh
# TO DO: something is wrong here!!!
# sm should be one
if sm == 10:
dayofyear = 275
elif sm == 4:
dayofyear = 92
elif sm == 1:
# like in Lili's model
dayofyear = 1
if sm != 1 and Testing == True:
warnings.warn("Testing assumes calendar to start at beginning of year but this does not seem to be the case")

ods.coords['calendar_day_2d'] = ('day_2d', (np.arange(366) + dayofyear - 1) % 366 + 1)
# so the dataset is made with leapyears, because that is longest, for non leap year this has to be kept in mind
for varname, d in out.items():
data = d.pop('data')
if varname not in out_vars:
if len(data.shape) == 2:
# First the annual agg
if varname == 'snow_bucket':
# Snowbucket is a state variable
ods[varname] = ('time', data[:, 0])
# Last year is never good
data[-1, :] = np.NaN
var_annual = np.nansum(data, axis=1)
var_annual[-1] = np.NaN
ods[varname] = ('time', var_annual)
# Then the daily ones
ods[varname + '_daily'] = (('time', 'day_2d'), data)
assert varname != 'snow_bucket'
data[-1] = np.NaN
ods[varname] = ('time', data)
for k, v in d.items():
ods[varname].attrs[k] = v

# Append the output to the existing diagnostics
fpath = gdir.get_filepath('model_diagnostics', filesuffix=suffix)
ods.to_netcdf(fpath, mode='a')
return ods

def zero_glacier_stop_criterion(model, state, n_zero=5, n_years=20):
"""Stop the simulation when the glacier volume is zero for a given period
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions oggm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,5 +56,6 @@
from oggm.core.flowline import run_from_climate_data
from oggm.core.flowline import run_constant_climate
from oggm.core.flowline import run_with_hydro
from oggm.core.flowline import run_with_hydro_daily
from oggm.utils import copy_to_basedir
from oggm.utils import gdir_to_tar

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