| This query is used to count the persons with at least one exposures to a certain drug (drug_concept_id). See vocabulary queries for obtaining valid drug_concept_id values. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a drug_concept_id. If the input is omitted, all drugs in the data table are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
list of drug_concept_id | 40165254, 40165258 | No | Crestor 20 and 40 mg tablets |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue.
set search_path to full_201706_omop_v5;
SELECT concept.concept_name, drug_concept_id, count(person_id) as num_persons
FROMdrug_exposure join concept
ON drug_concept_id = concept.concept_id
lower(domain_id)='drug' and vocabulary_id='RxNorm' and standard_concept='S'
and drug_concept_id in (40165254, 40165258 )
GROUP BY concept.concept_name, drug_concept_id;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_name | An unambiguous, meaningful and descriptive name for the concept. |
drug_concept_id | A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the vocabulary for the drug concept. |
num_persons | The patients count |
Sample output record:
Field | Content |
drug_name | Rosuvastatin calcium 20 MG Oral Tablet [Crestor] |
drug_concept_id | 40165254 |
num_persons | 191244 |
| This query is used to count the persons with exposure to a certain drug (drug_concept_id), grouped by age, gender, and year of exposure. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a drug_concept_id. See vocabulary queries for obtaining valid drug_concept_id values. If the input is omitted, all drugs in the data table are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
list of drug_concept_id | 40165254, 40165258 | No | Crestor 20 and 40 mg tablets |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue. s
select drug.concept_name,
EXTRACT( YEAR FROM drug_exposure_start_date ) as year_of_exposure,
EXTRACT( YEAR FROM drug_exposure_start_date ) - year_of_birth as age ,
gender.concept_name as gender,
count(1) as num_persons
drug_exposure JOINperson USING( person_id )
join concept drug ON drug.concept_id = drug_concept_id
JOINconcept gender ON gender.concept_id = gender_concept_id
where drug_concept_id IN ( 40165254, 40165258 )
GROUP by drug.concept_name, gender.concept_name, EXTRACT( YEAR FROM drug_exposure_start_date ),
EXTRACT( YEAR FROM drug_exposure_start_date ) - year_of_birth
ORDER BY concept_name, year_of_exposure, age, gender
Output field list:
Field | Description |
concept_name | An unambiguous, meaningful and descriptive name for the concept. |
year_of_exposure | |
age | The age of the person at the time of exposure |
gender | The gender of the person. |
num_persons | The patient count |
Sample output record:
Field | Content |
concept_name | Rosuvastatin calcium 40 MG Oral Tablet [Crestor] |
year_of_exposure | 2010 |
age | 69 |
gender | Male |
num_persons | 15 |
| This query is used to provide summary statistics for the age across all drug exposure records stratified by drug (drug_concept_id): the mean, the standard deviation, the minimum, the 25th percentile, the median, the 75th percentile, the maximum and the number of missing values. The age value is defined by the earliest exposure. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a drug_concept_id. See vocabulary queries for obtaining valid drug_concept_id values. If the input is omitted, age is summarized for all existing drug_concept_id values.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
drug_concept_id | 40165254, 40165258 | Yes | Crestor 20 and 40 mg tablets |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue.
concept_name AS drug_name ,
drug_concept_id ,
COUNT(*) AS patient_count ,
MIN ( age ) AS min ,
ROUND ( AVG ( age ), 2 ) AS mean,
MAX ( age ) AS max ,
ROUND ( STDDEV ( age ), 1 ) AS stdDev
FROM /*person, first drug exposure date*/ (
drug_concept_id , person_id ,
MIN( extract(year from drug_exposure_start_date )) - year_of_birth as age
drug_exposure JOIN full_201706_omop_v5.person USING( person_id )
WHERE drug_concept_id IN /*crestor 20 and 40 mg tablets */ ( 40165254, 40165258 )
GROUP BY drug_concept_id, person_id , year_of_birth
JOIN concept ON concept_id = drug_concept_id
WHERE domain_id='Drug' and standard_concept='S'
GROUP BY concept_name, drug_concept_id;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_name | An unambiguous, meaningful and descriptive name for the concept. |
drug_concept_id | A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the vocabulary for the drug concept. |
patient_count | The count of patients taking the drug |
min | The age of the youngest patient taking the drug |
percentile_25 | The 25th age percentile |
mean | The mean or average age of the patients taking the drug |
median | The median age of the patients taking the drug |
percentile_75 | The 75th age percentile |
max | The age of the oldest patient taking the drug |
stddev | The standard deviation of the age distribution |
Sample output record:
Field | Content |
drug_name | Rosuvastatin calcium 20 MG Oral Tablet [Crestor] |
drug_concept_id | 40165254 |
patient_count | 30321 |
min | 11 |
percentile_25 | 49 |
mean | 53.87 |
median | 55 |
percentile_75 | 60 |
max | 93 |
stddev | 8.8 |
| This query is used to obtain the gender distribution of persons exposed to a certain drug (drug_concept_id). The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a drug_concept_id. See vocabulary queries for obtaining valid drug_concept_id values. If the input is omitted, all drugs in the data table are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
list of drug_concept_id | 40165254, 40165258 | No | Crestor 20 and 40 mg tablets |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue.
select drug.concept_name as drug_name,
gender.concept_name as gender,
count(1) as num_persons
drug_exposure JOIN person USING( person_id )
join concept drug ON drug.concept_id = drug_concept_id
JOIN concept gender ON gender.concept_id = gender_concept_id
where drug_concept_id IN ( 40165254, 40165258 )
GROUP by drug.concept_name, drug_concept_id, gender.concept_name
ORDER BY drug_name, drug_concept_id, gender;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_name | An unambiguous, meaningful and descriptive name for the drug concept. |
drug_concept_id | A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the vocabulary for the drug concept. |
gender | The gender of the counted persons exposed to drug. |
num_persons | The number of persons of a particular gender exposed to drug. |
Sample output record:
Field | Content |
drug_name | Rosuvastatin calcium 20 MG Oral Tablet [Crestor] |
drug_concept_id | 40165254 |
gender | FEMALE |
num_persons | 12590 |
This query is used to count the drug exposure records for a certain drug (drug_concept_id). The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a drug_concept_id. See vocabulary queries for obtaining valid drug_concept_id values. If the input is omitted, all drugs in the data table are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
list of drug_concept_id | 40165254, 40165258 | No | Crestor 20 and 40 mg tablets |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue. S
concept_name as drug_name, drug_concept_id, count(*) as num_records
drug_exposure JOIN concept
ON concept_id = drug_concept_id
lower(domain_id)='drug' and vocabulary_id='RxNorm' and standard_concept='S'
and drug_concept_id IN (40165254,40165258)
GROUP BY concept_name, drug_concept_id;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_name | An unambiguous, meaningful and descriptive name for the drug concept. |
drug_concept_id | A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the vocabulary for the drug concept. |
num_records | The number of drug exposure records |
Sample output record:
Field | Content |
drug_name | Rosuvastatin calcium 20 MG Oral Tablet [Crestor] |
drug_concept_id | 40165254 |
num_records | 191244 |
| This query is used to determine the number of distinct drugs (drug_concept_id). See vocabulary queries for obtaining valid drug_concept_id values.
Input: None.
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query.
count(distinct drug_concept_id) as number_drugs
drug_exposure JOIN concept
ON concept_id = drug_concept_id
lower(domain_id)='drug' and vocabulary_id='RxNorm' and standard_concept='S';
Output field list:
Field | Description |
number_drugs | The count of distinct drug concepts. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
number_drugs | 10889 |
| This query is to determine the maximum number of drug exposures that is recorded for a patient during a certain time period. If the time period is omitted, the entire time span of the database is considered. Instead of maximum, the query can be easily changed to obtained the average or the median number of drug records for all patients. See vocabulary queries for obtaining valid drug_concept_id values.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
date from | 01-Jan-2008 | Yes | |
date to | 31-Dec-2008 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue.
select max(exposures ) as exposures_count from
drug_exposure.person_id, COUNT(*) exposures
FROM drug_exposure JOIN person
ON drug_exposure.person_id = person.person_id
drug_concept_id in (select distinct concept_id from concept
WHERE lower(domain_id)='drug' and vocabulary_id='RxNorm' and standard_concept='S')
AND drug_exposure_start_date BETWEEN '2017-01-01' AND '2017-12-31'
GROUP BY drug_exposure.person_id);
Output field list:
Field | Description |
exposures_count | The number of drug exposure records for the patient with the maximum number of such records. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
exposures_count | 1137 |
| This query is to determine the maximum number of distinct drugs a patient is exposed to during a certain time period. If the time period is omitted, the entire time span of the database is considered. See vocabulary queries for obtaining valid drug_concept_id values.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
date from | 01-Jan-2008 | Yes | |
date to | 31-Dec-2008 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue. s
select max(drugs) as drugs_count from
COUNT( DISTINCT drug_concept_id) drugs
FROM drug_exposure JOIN person
ON drug_exposure.person_id = person.person_id
drug_concept_id in (select distinct concept_id from concept
WHERE lower(domain_id)='drug' and vocabulary_id='RxNorm' and standard_concept='S')
AND drug_exposure_start_date BETWEEN '2017-01-01' AND '2017-12-31'
GROUP BY drug_exposure.person_id);
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drugs_count | The maximum number of distinct drugs a patient is exposed to during the time period |
Sample output record:
Field | Content |
drugs_count | 141 |
| This query is to determine the distribution of distinct drugs patients are exposed to during a certain time period. If the time period is omitted, the entire time span of the database is considered.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
date from | 01-Jan-2008 | Yes | |
date to | 31-Dec-2008 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue.
SELECT MIN ( drugs ) AS min ,
approximate PERCENTILE_DISC(0.25) WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY drugs ) as percentile_25,
ROUND ( AVG ( drugs ), 2 ) AS mean,
approximate PERCENTILE_DISC(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY drugs ) AS median ,
approximate PERCENTILE_DISC(0.75) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY drugs ) AS percential_75,
MAX ( drugs ) AS max,
ROUND ( STDDEV ( drugs ), 1 ) AS stdDev
FROM (SELECT person_id, NVL( drugs, 0 ) AS drugs FROM person JOIN
( SELECT person_id, COUNT( DISTINCT drug_concept_id ) AS drugs FROM drug_exposure
WHERE drug_exposure_start_date BETWEEN '2017-01-01' AND '2017-12-31' GROUP BY person_id ) USING( person_id ) );
Output field list:
Field | Description |
min | The minimum number of drugs taken by a patient |
percentile_25 | The 25th percentile of the distibution |
mean | The mean or average of drugs taken by patients |
median | The median number of drugs take |
percentile_75 | The 75th percentile of the distribution |
max | The maximum number of drugs taken by a patient |
stddev | The standard deviation of the age distribution |
Sample output record:
Field | Content |
min | 0 |
percentile_25 | 0 |
mean | 1.73 |
median | 0 |
percentile_75 | 1 |
max | 141 |
stddev | 4.2 |
This query is used to establish the medication (conmeds) taken by patients who also are exposed to a certain drug in a given time period. The query returns the number of patients taking the drug at least once. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a drug_concept_id and the time period. See vocabulary queries for obtaining valid drug_concept_id values. Input:
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
list of drug concept ids | 1336825, 19047763 | Yes | Bortezomib, Thalidomide 50 mg capsules |
from_date | 01-jan-2008 | Yes | |
to_date | 31-dec-2009 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue.
SELECT concept_name, COUNT(1) as persons
--Other drugs people are taking
SELECT DISTINCT cohort.person_id, drug.drug_concept_id
--person with specific drug in time frame
SELECT DISTINCT person_id, drug_concept_id, from_date, to_date
FROM drug_exposure
--date range
SELECT '01-jan-2008' AS from_date , '31-dec-2009' AS to_date )
ON drug_exposure_start_date BETWEEN from_date AND to_date
WHERE drug_concept_id IN /*bortezomib, Thalidomide 50 mg capsules */ (1336825, 19047763)
) cohort
JOIN drug_exposure drug
ON drug.person_id = cohort.person_id
AND drug.drug_concept_id != cohort.drug_concept_id
AND drug.drug_exposure_start_date BETWEEN from_date AND to_date
WHERE drug.drug_concept_id != 0 /* unmapped drug */
JOIN concept ON concept_id = drug_concept_id
GROUP By concept_name ORDER BY persons DESC;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_name | An unambiguous, meaningful and descriptive name for the conmeds. |
persons | count of patients taking the drug at least once |
Sample output record:
Field | Value |
drug_name | Dexamethasone 4 MG Oral Tablet |
persons | 190 |
| This query provides the brands that are used for a generic drug. The input to the query is a value of a drug_concept_id. See vocabulary queries for obtaining valid drug_concept_id values. Note that depending on the mapping available for the source_values in the drug_exposure table, branded drug information might only partially or not be provided. See the Standard Vocabulary Specifications at http://omop.org/Vocabularies.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
drug_concept_id | 19019306 | Yes | Nicotine Patch |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue. S
SELECT tt.drug_name,
100.00*tt.part_brand/tt.total_brand as perc_brand_count
SELECT t.drug_name,
t.cn_3_02 part_brand,
SUM(t.cn_3_02) OVER() total_brand
SELECT sum((select count(1) from drug_exposure d where d.drug_concept_id = cr003.concept_id_2)) cn_3_02,
A.Concept_Name drug_name,
D.Concept_Name brand_name
concept AS A
INNER JOIN concept_relationship AS CR003
ON CR003.concept_id_1 = A.concept_id
INNER JOIN concept_relationship AS CR007
ON CR007.concept_id_2 = CR003.concept_id_2
concept_relationship AS CR006
ON CR007.concept_id_1 = CR006.concept_id_1
concept D
ON CR006.concept_id_2 = D.concept_id
CR003.relationship_ID = 'Has tradename'
AND A.concept_class_id = 'Clinical Drug'
AND CR007.relationship_ID = 'Constitutes'
AND CR006.relationship_ID = 'Has brand name'
AND D.concept_class_id = 'Brand Name'
AND A.concept_id = 35606533
GROUP BY A.Concept_Name,
) t
) tt
WHERE tt.total_brand > 0 ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_name | The name of the query drug |
brand_name | The name of the brand |
perc_brand_count | The market share for each brand |
Sample output record:
Field | Content |
drug_name | |
brand_name | |
perc_brand_count |
| This query determines the percent distribution of forms of drug products containing a given ingredient. See vocabulary queries for obtaining valid drug_concept_id values.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
ingredient.concept_id | 1125315 | Yes | Acetaminophen |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameter is highlighted in blue.
SELECT tt.form_name,
(100.00 * tt.part_form / tt.total_forms) as percent_forms
t.cn part_form,
SUM(t.cn) OVER() total_forms
count(1) as cn,
drugform.concept_name form_name
FROM concept ingredient,
concept_ancestor a,
concept drug,
concept_relationship r,
concept drugform
WHERE ingredient.concept_id = 1125315 --Acetaminophen
AND ingredient.concept_class_id = 'Ingredient'
AND ingredient.concept_id = a.ancestor_concept_id
AND a.descendant_concept_id = drug.concept_id
--AND drug.concept_level = 1 --ensure it is drug product
ANd drug.standard_concept='S'
AND drug.concept_id = r.concept_id_1
AND r.concept_id_2 = drugform.concept_id
AND drugform.concept_class_id = 'Dose Form'
GROUP BY drugform.concept_name
) t
WHERE t.cn>0 --don't count forms that exist but are not used in the data
) tt
WHERE tt.total_forms > 0 --avoid division by 0
ORDER BY percent_forms desc;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
form_name | The concept name of the dose form |
percent_forms | The percent of forms drug products have containing the ingredient |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
form_name | Oral Tablet |
percent_forms | 95.69 |
| This query provides the provider specialties prescribing a given drug, and the frequencies for each provider prescribing the drug (drug exposure records). Note that many databases do not record the prescribing provider for drugs. See vocabulary queries for obtaining valid drug_concept_id values.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
drug_concept_id | 2213473 | Yes | Influenza virus vaccine |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue.
SELECT concept_name AS specialty,
count(*) AS prescriptions_count
/*first prescribing provider for statin*/
( SELECT person_id, provider_id
FROM drug_exposure
WHERE NVL( drug_exposure.provider_id, 0 ) > 0
AND drug_concept_id = 2213473 /* Influenza virus vaccine */
) drug
JOIN provider ON provider.provider_id = drug.provider_id
JOIN concept ON concept_id = provider.specialty_concept_id
WHERE concept.vocabulary_id='Specialty'
AND concept.standard_concept='S'
GROUP BY concept_name
ORDER BY prescriptions_count desc;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
specialty | The concept name of the specialty concept |
prescriptions_count | The count of drug exposure records providers from the specialties are listed as prescribing provider. |
Sample output record:
Field | Value |
specialty | Family Practice |
prescriptions_count | 214825 |
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
concept_id | 21502747 | Yes | Statins |
ancestor_concept_id | 21500223 | Yes | Antihypertensive Therapy Agents |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue S
SELECT count(*) AS num_A_users , SUM( bp_also ) AS num_also_using_B
FROM /* people taking statin and possible taking antihypertensive agent */
( SELECT statin.person_id, MAX( NVL( bp, 0 ) ) AS bp_also
FROM /*people taking statin */
( SELECT person_id, drug_exposure_start_date, drug_exposure_end_date
FROM drug_exposure statin
WHERE drug_concept_id IN /*statins*/
( SELECT concept_id
FROM concept
JOIN concept_ancestor ON descendant_concept_id = concept_id
ancestor_concept_id = 21502747
AND standard_concept = 'S'
AND sysdate BETWEEN valid_start_date AND valid_end_date ) ) statin
LEFT OUTER JOIN /* people taking antihypertensive agent */
( SELECT person_id, drug_exposure_start_date, drug_exposure_end_date , 1 AS bp
FROM drug_exposure
WHERE drug_concept_id IN /*Antihypertensive Therapy Agents */
( SELECT concept_id
FROM concept
JOIN concept_ancestor ON descendant_concept_id = concept_id
ancestor_concept_id = 21500223
AND standard_concept = 'S'
AND sysdate BETWEEN valid_start_date AND valid_end_date ) ) bp
ON bp.person_id = statin.person_id
AND bp.drug_exposure_start_date < statin.drug_exposure_end_date
AND bp.drug_exposure_end_date > statin.drug_exposure_start_date
GROUP BY statin.person_id );
Output field list:
Field | Description |
concept_name | An unambiguous, meaningful and descriptive name for the concept. |
person_id | A foreign key identifier to the person for whom the observation period is defined. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table. |
ancestor_concept_id | A foreign key to the concept code in the concept table for the higher-level concept that forms the ancestor in the relationship. |
drug_exposure_start_date | The start date for the current instance of drug utilization. Valid entries include a start date of a prescription, the date a prescription was filled, or the date on which a drug administration procedure was recorded. |
drug_exposure_end_date | The end date for the current instance of drug utilization. It is not available from all sources. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
concept_name | |
person_id | |
ancestor_concept_id | |
drug_exposure_start_date | |
drug_exposure_end_date |
DEX15: Number of persons taking a given drug having at least a 180 day period prior and a 365 day follow-up period
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
concept_id | 21502747 | Yes | Statins |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue.
floor( ( observation_period_end_date - index_date ) / 365 ) AS follow_up_years,
count(*) AS persons FROM /* statin users with 180 clean period and at least 1 year follow up period */
SELECT person_id, index_date , observation_period_start_date , observation_period_end_date
FROM /*statin user start_date */
min( drug_exposure_start_date ) AS index_date
FROM drug_exposure statin
WHERE drug_concept_id IN /*statins */
SELECT concept_id
FROM concept
JOIN concept_ancestor ON descendant_concept_id = concept_id
WHERE ancestor_concept_id = 21502747
--AND vocabulary_id = 8
AND vocabulary_id = 'RxNorm'
AND standard_concept = 'S'
AND sysdate BETWEEN valid_start_date AND valid_end_date ) GROUP BY person_id )
JOIN observation_period USING( person_id )
WHERE observation_period_start_date + 180 < index_date AND observation_period_end_date > index_date + 365
GROUP BY floor( ( observation_period_end_date - index_date ) / 365 )
Output field list:
Field | Description |
concept_name | An unambiguous, meaningful and descriptive name for the concept. |
person_id | A foreign key identifier to the person for whom the observation period is defined. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table. |
ancestor_concept_id | A foreign key to the concept code in the concept table for the higher-level concept that forms the ancestor in the relationship. |
descendant_concept_id | A foreign key to the concept code in the concept table for the lower-level concept that forms the descendant in the relationship. |
observation_period_start_date | The start date of the observation period for which data are available from the data source. |
observation_period_end_date | The end date of the observation period for which data are available from the data source. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
concept_name | |
person_id | |
ancestor_concept_id | |
descendant_concept_id | |
observation_period_start_date | |
observation_period_end_date |
Define adherence as sum of days supply divided by length of treatment period.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
drug_concept_id | 996416 | Yes | Finasteride |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue S
SELECT concept_name,
count(*) AS number_of_eras ,
avg( treatment_length ) AS average_treatment_length_count ,
avg(adherence) avgerage_adherence_count
( SELECT person_id, concept_name, drug_era_start_date , sum( days_supply ), treatment_length ,
sum( days_supply ) / treatment_length AS adherence , min( has_null_days_supply ) AS null_day_supply
FROM /* drug era and individual drug encounters making up the era */
( SELECT person_id, ingredient_concept_id , drug_era_start_date, drug_era_end_date ,
drug_era_end_date - drug_era_start_date AS treatment_length , drug_exposure_start_date , days_supply ,
DECODE( NVL( days_supply, 0 ), 0, 0, 1 ) has_null_days_supply
FROM /*drug era of people taking finasteride */
( SELECT person_id, drug_concept_id as ingredient_concept_id , drug_era_start_date, drug_era_end_date
FROM drug_era
--WHERE drug_concept_id = 996416 /* Finasteride */
JOIN /* drug exposures making up the era */
( SELECT person_id, days_supply, drug_exposure_start_date
FROM drug_exposure
JOIN concept_ancestor ON descendant_concept_id = drug_concept_id
JOIN concept ON concept_id = ancestor_concept_id
WHERE LOWER(concept_class_id) = 'ingredient'
AND sysdate BETWEEN valid_start_date AND valid_end_date
AND ancestor_concept_id = 996416
/*Finasteride*/ ) USING( person_id )
WHERE drug_exposure_start_date BETWEEN drug_era_start_date AND drug_era_end_date )
JOIN concept ON concept_id = ingredient_concept_id
GROUP BY person_id, concept_name, drug_era_start_date, treatment_length )
WHERE treatment_length > 100 and null_day_supply > 0
GROUP BY concept_name;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
concept_name | An unambiguous, meaningful and descriptive name for the concept. |
drug_concept_id | A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the vocabulary for the drug concept. |
concept_class | The category or class of the concept along both the hierarchical tree as well as different domains within a vocabulary. Examples are "Clinical Drug", "Ingredient", "Clinical Finding" etc. |
treatment_length | |
person_id | A foreign key to the concept code in the concept table for the higher-level concept that forms the ancestor in the relationship. |
drug_era_start_date | The start date for the drug era constructed from the individual instances of drug exposures. It is the start date of the very first chronologically recorded instance of utilization of a drug. |
drug_exposure_start_date | The start date for the current instance of drug utilization. Valid entries include a start date of a prescription, the date a prescription was filled, or the date on which a drug administration procedure was recorded. |
days_supply | The number of days of supply of the medication as recorded in the original prescription or dispensing record. |
drug_era_end_date | The end date for the drug era constructed from the individual instance of drug exposures. It is the end date of the final continuously recorded instance of utilization of a drug. |
ingredient_concept_id | |
ancestor_concept_id | A foreign key to the concept code in the concept table for the higher-level concept that forms the ancestor in the relationship. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
concept_name | |
drug_concept_id | |
concept_class | |
treatment_length | |
person_id | |
drug_era_start_date | |
drug_exposure_start_date | |
days_supply | |
drug_era_end_date | |
ingredient_concept_id | |
ancestor_concept_id |
| This query provides a list of stop treatment and their frequency.
Input: Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue. S
SELECT stop_reason, count(*) AS reason_freq
FROM drug_exposure
stop_reason IS NOT null GROUP BY stop_reason ORDER BY reason_freq DESC;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
stop_reason | The reason the medication was stopped, where available. Reasons include regimen completed, changed, removed, etc. |
reason_freq | Frequency of stop reason |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
stop_reason | Regimen Completed |
reason_freq | 14712428 |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue.
concept_name, count(*) as drug_type_count
drug_exposure JOIN concept
ON concept_id = drug_type_concept_id
GROUP BY concept_name ORDER BY drug_type_count DESC;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_type_concept_id | A foreign key to the predefined concept identifier in the vocabulary reflecting the type of drug exposure recorded. It indicates how the drug exposure was represented in the source data: as medication history, filled prescriptions, etc. |
drug_type_count |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
drug_type_concept_id | |
drug_type_count |
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
concept_name | Acute Tuberculosis | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in
SELECT concept_name, count( distinct person_id )
FROM drug_exposure JOIN /* indication and associated drug ids */
(select indication.concept_name, drug.concept_id
from concept indication
JOIN concept_ancestor ON ancestor_concept_id = indication.concept_id
JOIN vocabulary indication_vocab ON indication_vocab.vocabulary_id = indication.vocabulary_id
JOIN concept drug ON drug.concept_id = descendant_concept_id
JOIN vocabulary drug_vocab ON drug_vocab.vocabulary_id = drug.vocabulary_id
WHERE sysdate BETWEEN drug.valid_start_date AND drug.valid_end_date
AND drug_vocab.vocabulary_id = 'RxNorm'
AND indication.concept_class_id = 'Indication'
AND indication_vocab.vocabulary_name = 'Indications and Contraindications (FDB)'
AND indication.concept_name = 'Active Tuberculosis' /*This filter can be changed or omitted if count need for all indication*/
AND drug.standard_concept='S'
ON concept_id = drug_concept_id GROUP BY concept_name;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
concept_name | The reason the medication was stopped, where available. Reasons include regimen completed, changed, removed, etc. |
count |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
concept_name | |
count |
DEX20: How many people taking a drug for a given indicaton actually have that disease in their record prior to exposure?
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
concept_name | Acute Tuberculosis | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue
count(*) AS treated
FROM /* person and tuberculosis treatment start date */
min( drug_exposure_start_date ) AS treatment_start
FROM drug_exposure
JOIN /*indication and associated drug ids */
--, indication.domain_id, drug.concept_id
FROM concept indication
JOIN concept_ancestor ON ancestor_concept_id = indication.concept_id
JOIN vocabulary indication_vocab ON indication_vocab.vocabulary_id = indication.vocabulary_id
JOIN concept drug ON drug.concept_id = descendant_concept_id
JOIN vocabulary drug_vocab ON drug_vocab.vocabulary_id = drug.vocabulary_id
indication_vocab.vocabulary_name = 'Indications and Contraindications (FDB)'
AND indication.domain_id = 'Drug'
AND indication.concept_name = 'Active Tuberculosis'
AND drug_vocab.vocabulary_name = 'RxNorm (NLM)'
AND drug.standard_concept = 'S'
AND sysdate BETWEEN drug.valid_start_date AND drug.valid_end_date )
ON concept_id = drug_concept_id GROUP BY person_id ) treated
LEFT OUTER JOIN /*patient with Acute Tuberculosis diagnosis */
person_id, min( condition_start_date ) first_diagnosis, 1 AS diagnosed
FROM condition_occurrence
JOIN source_to_concept_map ON target_concept_id = condition_concept_id
JOIN vocabulary ON vocabulary_id = source_vocabulary_id
WHERE source_code like '011.%'
AND vocabulary_id ='ICD9CM'
GROUP BY person_id
) diagnosed
Output field list:
Field | Description |
count |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
count |
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue ;
;WITH con_rel AS
concept_relationship AS r1
INNER JOIN concept_relationship r2
ON r2.concept_id_1 = r1.concept_id_2
r1.relationship_id = 'Has CI'
AND r2.relationship_id = 'Ind/CI - SNOMED'
SELECT count(distinct d.person_id)
con_rel AS cr
INNER JOIN drug_exposure AS d
ON cr.concept_id_1 = d.drug_concept_id
INNER JOIN condition_occurrence AS c
ON cr.concept_id_2 = c.condition_concept_id
AND d.person_id = c.person_id
d.drug_exposure_start_date >= c.condition_start_date
Output field list:
Field | Description |
count |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
count |
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
ancestor_concept_id | 4324992 | Yes | Antithrombins |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue. S
SELECT count(distinct d.person_id) as person_count FROM concept_ancestor ca, drug_exposure d
d.drug_concept_id = ca.descendant_concept_id
and ca.ancestor_concept_id = 4324992
group by ca.ancestor_concept_id ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
person_count | A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the vocabulary for the drug concept. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
person_count |
| This query is used to provide summary statistics for days supply (days_supply) across all drug exposure records: the mean, the standard deviation, the minimum, the 25th percentile, the median, the 75th percentile, the maximum and the number of missing values. No input is required for this query.
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue
min(tt.stat_value) AS min_value ,
max(tt.stat_value) AS max_value ,
avg(tt.stat_value) AS avg_value ,
(round(stdDev(tt.stat_value)) ) AS stdDev_value ,
APPROXIMATE PERCENTILE_DISC(0.25) WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY tt.stat_value ) AS percentile_25 ,
( SELECT t.days_supply AS stat_value FROM drug_exposure t where t.days_supply > 0 ) tt ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
| This query is used to count days supply values across all drug exposure records. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a days_supply. If the clause is omitted, all possible values of days_supply are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
days_supply | 2,3 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue.
SELECT t.days_supply, count(1) AS cnt
FROM drug_exposure t
WHERE t.days_supply in (2,3)
GROUP BY t.days_supply
ORDER BY days_supply;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
days_supply | The number of days of supply of the medication as recorded in the original prescription or dispensing record. |
cnt | Counts of records with the days_supply value |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
days_supply | 15 |
cnt | 240179 |
| This query is used to count drugs (drug_concept_id) across all drug exposure records. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a drug_concept_id. If the input is omitted, all possible values are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
list of drug_concept_id | 906805, 1517070, 19010522 | Yes | Metoclopramid, Desmopressin, Cyclosprin |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue.
SELECT count(1) as exposure_occurrence_count
FROM drug_exposure
drug_concept_id in (906805, 1517070, 19010522);
Output field list:
Field | Description |
exposure_occurrence_count | The number of individual drug exposure occurrences used to construct the drug era. |
Sample output record:
Field | Value |
exposure_occurrence_count | 88318 |
| This query is used to to provide summary statistics for drug exposure end dates (drug_exposure_end_date) across all drug exposure records: the mean, the standard deviation, the minimum, the 25th percentile, the median, the 75th percentile, the maximum and the number of missing values. No input is required for this query.
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query.
min(tt.end_date) AS min_date ,
max(tt.end_date) AS max_date ,
avg(tt.end_date_num) + tt.min_date AS avg_date ,
(round(stdDev(tt.end_date_num)) ) AS stdDev_days ,
tt.min_date + (APPROXIMATE PERCENTILE_DISC(0.25) WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY tt.end_date_num ) ) AS percentile_25_date ,
tt.min_date + (APPROXIMATE PERCENTILE_DISC(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY tt.end_date_num ) ) AS median_date ,
tt.min_date + (APPROXIMATE PERCENTILE_DISC(0.75) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY tt.end_date_num ) ) AS percentile_75_date
(t.drug_exposure_end_date - MIN(t.drug_exposure_end_date) OVER()) AS end_date_num,
t.drug_exposure_end_date AS end_date,
MIN(t.drug_exposure_end_date) OVER() min_date
FROM drug_exposure t ) tt
GROUP BY tt.min_date ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
| This query is used to to provide summary statistics for drug exposure start dates (drug_exposure_start_date) across all drug exposure records: the mean, the standard deviation, the minimum, the 25th percentile, the median, the 75th percentile, the maximum and the number of missing values. No input is required for this query.
Input: Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query.
min(tt.start_date) AS min_date ,
max(tt.start_date) AS max_date ,
avg(tt.start_date_num) + tt.min_date AS avg_date ,
(round(stdDev(tt.start_date_num)) ) AS stdDev_days ,
tt.min_date + (approximate PERCENTILE_DISC(0.25) WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY tt.start_date_num ) ) AS percentile_25_date ,
tt.min_date + (approximate PERCENTILE_DISC(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY tt.start_date_num ) ) AS median_date ,
tt.min_date + (approximate PERCENTILE_DISC(0.75) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY tt.start_date_num ) ) AS percentile_75_date
(t.drug_exposure_start_date - MIN(t.drug_exposure_start_date) OVER()) AS start_date_num,
t.drug_exposure_start_date AS start_date,
MIN(t.drug_exposure_start_date) OVER() min_date
FROM drug_exposure t
) tt
GROUP BY tt.min_date ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
| This query is used to count the drug type concepts (drug_type_concept_id, in CDM V2 drug_exposure_type) across all drug exposure records. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a drug_type_concept_id. If the input is omitted, all possible values are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
list of drug_type_concept_id | 38000175, 38000180 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue
SELECT count(1) as exposure_occurrence_count , drug_type_concept_id FROM drug_exposure
drug_concept_id in (select distinct drug_concept_id from drug_era)
AND drug_type_concept_id in (38000175, 38000180)
GROUP BY drug_type_concept_id ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_type_concept_id | A foreign key to the predefined concept identifier in the vocabulary reflecting the type of drug exposure recorded. It indicates how the drug exposure was represented in the source data: as medication history, filled prescriptions, etc. |
exposure_occurrence_count | The number of individual drug exposure occurrences used to construct the drug era. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
drug_type_concept_id | |
exposure_occurrence_count |
| This query is used to provide summary statistics for the number of number of different distinct drugs (drug_concept_id) of all exposed persons: the mean, the standard deviation, the minimum, the 25th percentile, the median, the 75th percentile, the maximum and the number of missing values. No input is required for this query.
Input: Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue
min(tt.stat_value) AS min_value ,
max(tt.stat_value) AS max_value ,
avg(tt.stat_value) AS avg_value ,
(round(stdDev(tt.stat_value)) ) AS stdDev_value ,
APPROXIMATE PERCENTILE_DISC(0.25) WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY tt.stat_value ) AS percentile_25 ,
SELECT count(distinct t.drug_concept_id) AS stat_value
FROM drug_exposure t
where nvl(t.drug_concept_id, 0) > 0
group by t.person_id ) tt ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
| This query is used to count the number of different distinct drugs (drug_concept_id) of all exposed persons. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) for a number of drug concepts. If the input is omitted, all possible values are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
drug_concept_id | 15, 22 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue S
SELECT count(distinct t.drug_concept_id) AS stat_value, t.person_id
FROM drug_exposure t
GROUP BY t.person_id HAVING count(DISTINCT t.drug_concept_id) in (15,22);
Output field list:
Field | Description |
person_id | A foreign key identifier to the person who is subjected to the drug. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table. |
stat_value | The number of individual drug exposure occurrences used to construct the drug era. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
person | |
stat_value |
| This query is used to provide summary statistics for the number of drug exposure records (drug_exposure_id) for all persons: the mean, the standard deviation, the minimum, the 25th percentile, the median, the 75th percentile, the maximum and the number of missing values. There is no input required for this query.
Input: Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query.
min(tt.stat_value) AS min_value ,
max(tt.stat_value) AS max_value ,
avg(tt.stat_value) AS avg_value ,
(round(stdDev(tt.stat_value)) ) AS stdDev_value ,
APPROXIMATE PERCENTILE_DISC(0.25) WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY tt.stat_value ) AS percentile_25 ,
SELECT count(1) AS stat_value
FROM drug_exposure t
group by t.person_id
) tt ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
| This query is used to count the number of drug exposure records (drug_exposure_id) for all persons. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) for a number of records per person. If the input is omitted, all possible values are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
count | 3, 4 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue S
SELECT count(1) AS stat_value, person_id
FROM drug_exposure
group by person_id
having count(1) in (3,4);
Output field list:
Field | Description |
person_id | A foreign key identifier to the person who is subjected to the drug. The demographic details of that person are stored in the person table. |
count | The number of individual drug exposure occurrences used to construct the drug era. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
person_id | |
count |
| This query is used to count the drug exposure records stratified by observation month. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a month. If the input is omitted, all possible values are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
list of month numbers | 3, 5 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue
select extract(month from d.drug_exposure_start_date) month_num, COUNT(1) as exp_in_month_count
from drug_exposure d
where extract(month from d.drug_exposure_start_date) in (3, 5)
group by extract(month from d.drug_exposure_start_date) order by 1
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_exposure_start_date | The start date for the current instance of drug utilization. Valid entries include a start date of a prescription, the date a prescription was filled, or the date on which a drug administration procedure was recorded. |
month |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
drug_exposure_start_date | |
month |
| This query is used to provide summary statistics for drug quantity (quantity) across all drug exposure records: the mean, the standard deviation, the minimum, the 25th percentile, the median, the 75th percentile, the maximum and the number of missing values. No input is required for this query.
Input: Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query.
min(tt.stat_value) AS min_value ,
max(tt.stat_value) AS max_value ,
avg(tt.stat_value) AS avg_value ,
(round(stdDev(tt.stat_value)) ) AS stdDev_value ,
APPROXIMATE PERCENTILE_DISC(0.25) WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY tt.stat_value ) AS percentile_25 ,
SELECT t.quantity AS stat_value
FROM drug_exposure t
where t.quantity > 0
) tt ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
This query is used to count the drug quantity (quantity) across all drug exposure records. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a quantity. If the input is omitted, all possible values are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
quantity (list of numbers) | 10,20 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query.
SELECT count(1) as drug_quantity_count, d.quantity
FROM drug_exposure d
WHERE d.quantity in (10, 20)
GROUP BY d.quantity ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_quantity_count | |
quantity | The quantity of drug as recorded in the original prescription or dispensing record. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
drug_quantity_count | |
quantity |
| This query is used to provide summary statistics for drug refills (refills) across all drug exposure records: the mean, the standard deviation, the minimum, the 25th percentile, the median, the 75th percentile, the maximum and the number of missing values. No input is required for this query.
Input: Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query.
min(tt.stat_value) AS min_value ,
max(tt.stat_value) AS max_value ,
avg(tt.stat_value) AS avg_value ,
(round(stdDev(tt.stat_value)) ) AS stdDev_value ,
APPROXIMATE PERCENTILE_DISC(0.25) WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY tt.stat_value ) AS percentile_25 ,
t.refills AS stat_value
FROM drug_exposure t
where t.refills > 0
) tt ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
| This query is used to count the drug refills (refills) across all drug exposure records. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of refills. If the input is omitted, all existing values are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
refills count (list of numbers) | 10,20 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue
SELECT count(1) as drug_exposure_count, d.refills AS refills_count
FROM drug_exposure d
WHERE d.refills in (10, 20)
GROUP BY d.refills ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_exposure_count | The number of individual drug exposure occurrences used to construct the drug era. |
Refills_Count | The number of refills after the initial prescription. The initial prescription is not counted, values start with 0. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
drug_exposure_count | |
Refills_Count |
| This query is used to count stop reasons (stop_reason) across all drug exposure records. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a stop_reason. If the input is omitted, all existing values are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
stop_reason | 1 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue
select count(1) as totExp , d.stop_reason from drug_exposure d
where d.stop_reason in ('INVALID')
group by d.stop_reason ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
Count | The number of individual drug exposure occurrences used to construct the drug era. |
stop_reason | The reason the medication was stopped, where available. Reasons include regimen completed, changed, removed, etc. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
Count | |
stop_reason |
| This query is used to count drugs (drug_concept_id) across all drug exposure records stratified by drug exposure type (drug_type_concept_id, in CDM V2 drug_exposure_type). The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a drug_concept_id or a drug_type_concept_id. If the input is omitted, all existing value combinations are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
list of drug_concept_id | 906805, 1517070, 19010522 | Yes | |
list of drug_type_concept_id | 38000180 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue
SELECT t.drug_concept_id, count(1) as drugs_count, t.drug_TYPE_concept_id
FROM drug_exposure t
t.drug_concept_id in (906805, 1517070, 19010522)
and t.drug_TYPE_concept_id in ( 38000175,38000179 )
group by t.drug_TYPE_concept_id, t.drug_concept_id ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_concept_id | A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the vocabulary for the drug concept. |
drug_type_concept_id | A foreign key to the predefined concept identifier in the vocabulary reflecting the parameters used to construct the drug era. |
count | A foreign key to the predefined concept identifier in the vocabulary reflecting the parameters used to construct the drug era. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
drug_concept_id | |
drug_type_concept_id | |
count |
| This query is used to count all drugs (drug_concept_id) across all drug exposure records stratified by condition (relevant_condition_concept_id). The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a drug_concept_id and a relevant_condition_concept_id. If the input is omitted, all existing value combinations are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
list of drug_concept_id | 906805, 1517070, 19010522 | Yes | |
list of relevant_condition_concept_id | 26052, 258375 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue
count(1) as drugs_count,
p.procedure_concept_id as relevant_condition_concept_id
FROM drug_exposure t
inner join procedure_occurrence as p
on t.visit_occurrence_id = p.visit_occurrence_id
and t.person_id = p.person_id
t.drug_concept_id in (906805, 1517070, 19010522)
and p.procedure_concept_id in (26052, 258375)
group by p.procedure_concept_id, t.drug_concept_id
t.drug_concept_id in (906805, 1517070, 19010522)
and t.relevant_condition_concept_id in (26052, 258375)
group by t.relevant_condition_concept_id, t.drug_concept_id
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_concept_id | A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the vocabulary for the drug concept. |
relevant_condition_concept_id | A foreign key to the predefined concept identifier in the vocabulary reflecting the condition that was the cause for initiation of the procedure. Note that this is not a direct reference to a specific condition record in the condition table, but rather a condition concept in the vocabulary |
Count | The number of individual drug exposure occurrences used to construct the drug era. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
drug_concept_id | |
relevant_condition_concept_id | |
Count |
| This query is used to provide summary statistics for start dates (drug_exposure_start_date) across all drug exposure records stratified by drug (drug_concept_id): the mean, the standard deviation, the minimum, the 25th percentile, the median, the 75th percentile, the maximum and the number of missing values. The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a drug_concept_id. If the input is omitted, the drug_exposure_start_date for all existing values of drug_concept_id are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
drug_concept_id | 906805, 1517070, 19010522 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue
tt.drug_concept_id ,
min(tt.start_date) AS min_date ,
max(tt.start_date) AS max_date ,
avg(tt.start_date_num) + tt.min_date AS avg_date ,
(round(stdDev(tt.start_date_num)) ) AS stdDev_days ,
tt.min_date + (APPROXIMATE PERCENTILE_DISC(0.25) WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY tt.start_date_num ) ) AS percentile_25_date ,
tt.min_date + (APPROXIMATE PERCENTILE_DISC(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY tt.start_date_num ) ) AS median_date ,
tt.min_date + (APPROXIMATE PERCENTILE_DISC(0.75) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY tt.start_date_num ) ) AS percential_75_date
(t.drug_exposure_start_date - MIN(t.drug_exposure_start_date) OVER(partition by t.drug_concept_id)) AS start_date_num,
t.drug_exposure_start_date AS start_date,
MIN(t.drug_exposure_start_date) OVER(partition by t.drug_concept_id) min_date,
drug_exposure t
where t.drug_concept_id in (906805, 1517070, 19010522)
) tt
GROUP BY tt.min_date , tt.drug_concept_id order by tt.drug_concept_id ;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_concept_id | A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the vocabulary for the drug concept. |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
drug_concept_id | |
min_value | |
max_value | |
avg_value | |
stdDev_value | |
percentile_25 | |
median_value | |
percentile_75 |
| This query is used to count all gender values (gender_concept_id) for all exposed persons stratified by drug (drug_concept_id). The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a gender_concept_id and drug_concept_id. If the input is omitted, all existing value combinations are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
list of drug_concept_id | 906805, 1517070, 19010522 | Yes | |
list of gender_concept_id | 8507, 8532 | Yes | Male, Female |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue
SELECT p.gender_concept_id, count(1) as gender_count, t.drug_concept_id
FROM drug_exposure t, person p
where p.person_id = t.person_id
and t.drug_concept_id in (906805, 1517070, 19010522)
and p.gender_concept_id in (8507, 8532)
group by t.drug_concept_id, p.gender_concept_id
order by t.drug_concept_id, p.gender_concept_id;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_concept_id | A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the vocabulary for the drug concept. |
gender_concept_id | A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the vocabulary for the gender of the person. |
Count | The number of individual drug exposure occurrences used to construct the drug era. |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
drug_concept_id | |
gender_concept_id | |
Count |
| This query is used to count the number of drug exposure records for all exposed persons stratified by drug (drug_concept_id). The input to the query is a value (or a comma-separated list of values) of a drug_concept_id. If the input is omitted, all existing values are summarized.
Parameter | Example | Mandatory | Notes |
list of drug_concept_id | 906805, 1517070, 19010522 | Yes |
Sample query run:
The following is a sample run of the query. The input parameters are highlighted in blue
SELECT t.drug_concept_id, t.person_id, count(1) as drug_exposure_count
FROM drug_exposure t
where t.drug_concept_id in (906805, 1517070, 19010522)
group by t.person_id, t.drug_concept_id
order by t.drug_concept_id, t.person_id;
Output field list:
Field | Description |
drug_concept_id | A foreign key that refers to a standard concept identifier in the vocabulary for the drug concept. |
person_id | A system-generated unique identifier for each person. |
count |
Sample output record:
Field | Description |
drug_concept_id | |
person_id | |
count |