Office JavaScript APIs: Tools for building macros, plugins, and interacting with ONLYOFFICE document content, Automation API and web services.
The Office JavaScript APIs provide a robust set of objects and methods designed to enhance the functionality of ONLYOFFICE editors. These APIs enable developers to create powerful macros, build custom plugins, and integrate with web services, extending the capabilities of the ONLYOFFICE suite.
- Text Document API: Interact with and manipulate ONLYOFFICE text documents, including text formatting, content insertion, and more.
- Spreadsheet API: Manage ONLYOFFICE spreadsheets, perform calculations, and handle cells, ranges, and charts.
- Presentation API: Control ONLYOFFICE presentations, add slides, manage content, and apply visual effects.
- Form API: Create and manipulate forms within ONLYOFFICE, handle user input, and integrate with external data sources.