Syscallslib: a library that automates some clean syscalls to make it easier & faster to implement. its pretty basic code, im using hellsgate (TartarusGate) tech to fetch direct syscalls, and it saves times when needed.
- NtAllocateVirtualMemory /2
- NtProtectVirtualMemory
- NtCreateSection
- NtOpenSection
- NtMapViewOfSection
- NtUnmapViewOfSection
- NtClose
- NtWriteVirtualMemory
- NtCreateUserProcess /2
- NtQuerySystemInformation
- initialize the struct holding the hashes of the syscalls names using InitializeStruct(), it takes 2 parameters, the seed used, and a pointer to HashStruct struct:
- to automates this even more, i included Hasher.c file that can output the hashes of the syscalls directly ...
- after that you are ready to do syscalls
- added a small project to demonstrate the usage here.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Syscalls.h"
#pragma comment (lib, "Syscalls.lib")
// generated using hasher.c (Seed = 7)
#define NtAllocateVirtualMemory_StrHashed 0x014044AE
#define NtProtectVirtualMemory_StrHashed 0xE67C7320
#define NtCreateSection_StrHashed 0xAC2EDA02
#define NtOpenSection_StrHashed 0xD443EC8C
#define NtMapViewOfSection_StrHashed 0x92DD00B3
#define NtUnmapViewOfSection_StrHashed 0x12D71086
#define NtClose_StrHashed 0x7B3F64A4
int main() {
PVOID pAddress = NULL;
HashStruct SyscallHashStruct = {
.NtAllocateVirtualMemory_Hash = NtAllocateVirtualMemory_StrHashed,
.NtProtectVirtualMemory_Hash = NtProtectVirtualMemory_StrHashed,
.NtCreateSection_Hash = NtCreateSection_StrHashed,
.NtOpenSection_Hash = NtOpenSection_StrHashed,
.NtMapViewOfSection_Hash = NtMapViewOfSection_StrHashed,
.NtUnmapViewOfSection_Hash = NtUnmapViewOfSection_StrHashed,
.NtClose_Hash = NtClose_StrHashed,
if (!InitializeStruct(0x07, &SyscallHashStruct)) {
printf("[-] InitializeStruct Failed \n");
goto _exit;
pAddress = NtAllocateVirtualMemory2(0x100, &STATUS);
if (pAddress == NULL) {
printf("[-] Error Occured : 0x%0.8X \n", STATUS);
goto _exit;
printf("[+] pAddress : 0x%p \n", pAddress);
printf("[i] Press <Enter> To Quit ... ");
return 0;
- Add support for more usefull syscalls