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Elastic console engine, supporting various syntax configuration and command/model separation. Automatically generated declarative help and syntax options.


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Folders and files

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Current version provides developer with:

  • declarative syntax for commands and command model. (Note: This syntax is being still under development.)
  • separation between commands and model
  • separation bewteen commands and output (basic stuff only at the moment, coming soon!)
  • separation between commands and synatx
  • automatically generated help pages (from model annotations)
  • syntax and help pages automatically adapt to engine settings See more details below.


Current configuration (while very crude and screaming for refactoring is following):

  • Switch literal and value shall be separated. (OptionArgumentMode = CommandOptionArgumentMode.Separated)
  • All flag literals shall start with '-' or ''. (FlagCharacters = new[] {@"", "-"}) [I would recommend using only one literal.]
  • All switch literals shall start with '--' or '-'. (SwitchCharacters = new[] {@"-", "--"}) [I would recommend using only one literal.]
  • Command names ignore character casing (CommandsSensitivenes = CommandCaseSensitivenes.Insensitive)
  • Setting for free-roaming / switchless arguments is not yet supported - they can actually be placed wverywhere, they will be not consumed by other arguments, including Endonly. (SwitchlessOptionsMode = SwitchlessOptionsMode.EndOnly)
  • It does not allow to groub flag switch literals together. (AllowFlagsAsOneArgument = false)

Configuring command engine

  1. Of required objects - one must provide engine with context object, that implements ICommandEngineContext interface and is being shared between commands to manage application's state:
public class ConsoleContext : ICommandEngineContext
    public bool ShallFinishInteracativeSession { get; set; }

    public string GetCurrentPrompt()
        string dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
        if (!dir.EndsWith("\\"))
            dir += "\\";
        return dir;
  1. Also, console instance shall be created. Might as well have colors and settings altered.
ConsoleContext context = new ConsoleContext();
  1. Then configuration of engine parsing options shall be compilled:
var options = new CommandParserOptions
        UiCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"), // "pl-PL"
        FlagCharacters = new[] {@"\", "-"},
        SwitchCharacters = new[] {@"-", "--"},
        OptionArgumentMode = CommandOptionArgumentMode.Separated,
        OptionArgumentJoinCharacater = ':', // not used because of: CommandOptionArgumentMode.Separated
        AllowFlagsAsOneArgument = false,
        CommandsSensitivenes = CommandCaseSensitivenes.Insensitive,
        SwitchlessOptionsMode = SwitchlessOptionsMode.EndOnly
  1. Then engine might be build, using fluent syntax:
var engine = CommandEngineBuilder.Build()

(TODO: more info will in wiki. when completed...)

  1. When commands are declared properly (see sections below) no erros shall be reported by the builder and one might start engine:

It will run, until some command sets context.ShallFinishInteracativeSession to TRUE.

Configuring commands

Sample command might be declared as follwoing (simple implementation of DIR):

public class DirCommand : IConsoleCommand
    public void Execute(object contextObject, ICommandOutput output, object runtimeModel)
        var model = runtimeModel as DirCommandModel; // necessary to avoid Generic-inheritance troubles...

        // TODO: custom filters normalization?

        switch (model.Mode)
            case DirectoryListMode.CurrentDir:
                this.ListCurrentFolder(contextObject, output, model);
            case DirectoryListMode.CurrentLocalState:
            case DirectoryListMode.CurrentRemoteHead:

    private void ListCurrentFolder(object contextObject, ICommandOutput output, DirCommandModel parameters)
        string filter = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameters.Filter) ? "*.*" : parameters.Filter;
        string basePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

        DataTable<string> filesTable = new DataTable<string>(
            new ColumnInfo("Name", ColumnAlignment.Left),
                new ColumnInfo("Size", ColumnAlignment.Right),
                new ColumnInfo("Modified", ColumnAlignment.Right));

            var baseDir = new DirectoryInfo(basePath);
            if (parameters.IncludeFolders)
                var dirs = baseDir.GetDirectories(filter, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                foreach (var dirInfo in dirs)
                        new []

            var files = baseDir.GetFiles(filter, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
            foreach (var fileInfo in files)
                    new []


Configuring syntax

[CommandDescription(@"Lists files withing current folder or repository state, depending on selected options.")]
public class DirCommandModel : CommandModel
    [CommandOptionFlag("d", "D")]
    [CommandDescription("When set, specifies whether directories shall be listed too.")]
    public bool IncludeFolders { get; set; }

    [CommandOptionSwitch(typeof(DirectoryListMode), "m", DefaultValue = DirectoryListMode.CurrentDir)]
    [CommandDescription("Specifies which predefined directory location shall be listed.")]
    // TODO: list help for switches. Get from enumeration itself? Allow coloring syntax? Somehow...
    // TODO: more switch types? string?
    // TODO: runtime support switch auto-complete. Sourced through ModelBuilder & Parser
    public DirectoryListMode Mode { get; set; }

    [CommandDescription("Specifies filter for enumerated files. Does not apply to folders.")]
    // TODO: runtime support for some values / unnamed values auto-completion? sourced through command itself...
    public string Filter { get; set; }
    // TODO: add sorting argument

Working with command line

Now, when user requests help to the command, it will be displayed, using current engine settings: Help Sample Actually, help switch could be placed anywhere in the command line to work.

It uses simple tabled results (initial, very basic functions) to present results: Execution Sample

The command will also be listed together with other discovered / configured command, when asked: Help Main Sample


Elastic console engine, supporting various syntax configuration and command/model separation. Automatically generated declarative help and syntax options.







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