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1.3.6rc2 (release candidate)

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@foosel foosel released this 05 Dec 14:47
· 4226 commits to rc/maintenance since this release

Feedback on this RC

Please provide general feedback on this RC in this ticket. An "All is working fine" is valuable feedback as well because it tells me people are actually testing this RC but not finding problems with it. Thanks!

Note for upgraders and plugin authors: Change in the bundling of JS assets can lead to issues in plugins

A change to solve issues with plugins bundling JS assets that cause interference with other plugins (e.g. through the declaration of "use strict") and in general to add better isolation and error handling might cause errors for some plugins that go beyond your run-off-the-mill view model and also implicitly declare new globals.

If you happen to run into any such issues, you can switch back to the old way of bundling JS assets via the newly introduced "Settings > Feature > Enable legacy plugin asset bundling" toggle (check it, save the settings, restart the server). This is provided to allow for a minimally invasive adjustment period until affected plugins have been updated.

You can find out more about the change, how to know if a plugin is even affected and what do about it on the OctoBlog.

Note for people who already ran 1.3.6rc1, then downgraded back to 1.3.5

You'll need to do a tiny fix in your config.yaml, made necessary by the switch to pip as update method in 1.3.6rc1, or you won't be able to switch back again to Maintenance RCs to test this second RC. You'll need to remove the method: pip line under plugins.softwareupdate.checks.octoprint and then restart.

You can easily do this config.yaml change via the YamlPatcher plugin using the patch string

[["remove", "plugins.softwareupdate.checks.octoprint.method", ""]]

or via the command line using

sed -i -e "s/method: pip//g" ~/.octoprint/config.yaml

Bug fixes

  • #2262 - Fixed a bug causing Error:checksum mismatch, Last Line: ... errors from the firmware to be handled incorrectly.
  • #2267 - Fixed a bug causing the GCODE viewer to not get properly initialized due to a JS error on load if "Also show next layer" was selected.
  • #2268 - Fixed a bug causing a display error with the temperature offsets. If one offset was changed, all others seemed to revert back to 0.
  • Fixed ordering of plugin assets, should be alphabetical based on the plugin identifier.
