A java library for communicating with the Prodigi API.
v4.0 of the API is supported. If you want an older version, see the Pwinty Java SDK ;)
- v4.0 - Initial release
Create and Order object using a builder pattern and submit it:
// Choose Environment.LIVE for real orders
Prodigi prodigi = new Prodigi(Prodigi.Environment.SANDBOX, "YOUR-API-KEY");
// Create Recipient
Recipient recipient = new Recipient("Bob", new Address("line1", "line2", "90210", CountryCode.GB, "Bristol"));
// Create Order
Order order = new Order.Builder(Order.ShippingMethod.Standard, recipient)
.addImage("https://www.oddprints.com/images/header-dogcat.jpg", "GLOBAL-PHO-4x6", 1)
// Submit to API
OrderResponse response = prodigi.createOrder(order);
See jitpack
Basically, add the jitpack repository:
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
and the dependency using the short git commit reference as the version:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.OddPrints:prodigi-java-sdk:f3483f2'
Everything is built using standard gradle.
This library has a comprehensive test suite which is helpful as the Prodigi API evolves. To run the tests yourself, just set en environment variable for your api key:
./gradlew test