Python3 scripting API for Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory (server-side)
This branch is an ongoing restructuration of the API to work with cffi and not boost::python anymore. cffi is more lightweight and has very few dependencies.
Pyet can be used with any vanilla EnemyTerritory mod and with ETlegacy on Linux x86(not tested) or x86_64
No cross-compil yet so you'll have to do the x86 build on a 32-bit system or a chroot.
You will have to have Python >= 3.5 on your machine.
git clone
git submodule init
If you are building for vanilla ET:
git submodule update Enemy-Territory
If you are building for ETLegacy:
git submodule update etlegacy
(This will clone the corresponding repository)
Then install the requirements and build:
sudo pip3 -r requirements.txt #note: this only installs cffi for python and its dependencies
cd build
./ [vanilla | etlegacy]
-Create a folder named pyet at the game root (enemyterritory/pyet) or (etlegacy/pyet)
-Rename the of your ET mod to
-Copy into the pyet folder
-Copy from build/out directory to your mod folder.
-Copy build/out/plugins dir and build/out/ into the pyet directory
-Run etded/etlded as usual.
Just look at plugins/ You can start to implement what to do on what event here by implementing them in the MyPlugin class. Those events will be triggered before being called in the real mod.
def GameConsoleCommand(self):
def GameInit(self, leveltime, randomSeed, restart):
def GameShutdown(self):
def ClientConnect(self, client, firstTime, isBot):
def ClientBegin(self, client):
def ClientUserInfoChanged(self, client):
def ClientDisconnect(self, client):
def ClientCommand(self, client):
def ClientThink(self, client):
def GameRunFrame(self, leveltime):
self.easy is an intance of the EasyApi class (plugins/ that provides a layer on top of the cffi api. It allows you to do the usual system calls of the server (trap_* functions in Lua api). Not all those syscalls are implemented yet. (please contribute or create an issue if you need a specific syscall).
def ClientConnect(self, client, firstTime, isBot):
userinfo = self.easy.GetUserInfo(client)
self.vmcalls allows you to call exported functions from c directly. (vm_ prefix) Those functions are implemented in src/vmcalls.c Note that the types of the arguments have to be those defined by cffi.
def ClientBegin(self, client):
gent = self.entities.get(client) # Get entity object
gcli = gent.client # Player specific
You can also set the entity attributes to another value. This will be effective in-memory, Just keep in mind that those changes are totally out of control by the module or the server vm. Not all the types conversions are implemented and some fields are readonly.
pep 8 for python. For C and other relevent files use linux kernel coding style which you can check with
./ -F <files>
You are free open issues on github, or to contact me
by mail (check my github profile).