FAQt (Frequently Asked Questions about Qt)
The purpose of that repository is to ask the questions you have about Qt, PyQt and QML. If you have trouble doing something for your widgets, do not hesitate to create an issue here. Assign to that issue the right labels and milestones and that's it.
Then as soon as someone has the answer to that issue, that person can answer directly to you in the discussion thread.
Here, the milestones do not have any due date and play the role of global categories of issues. At the beginning, there will have 3 milestones :
- QML : specific to the QML langage
- PyQt : specific to the PyQt library
- Python : python related issues
You can assign tags to your issues. They can be used to categorize your issue a bit more specifically than only with a milestone. Also, even if some tags clearly refers to a milestone, they are independent and you can assign whatever tag you want to your issue. Tags will allow to find more easily similar issues. That been said you can make your own tags if you don't find any one suitable for your issue but try to create a tag that could be used not only for your issue, otherwise it is useless.
In the issue pannel you can search, filter, order the issues with many criterions such as :
- creator of the issue
- tag
- milestone
- people mentioned
- word in the title or the the comments
- ...
So you have no excuse to not fiding what you search :)
In your issues you can use references to :
- another issue (#23 for example will create a link to issue number 23)
- a Github user (@mpizenberg will refer to me)
So if you answer to a question and want to make a link to another similar issue do not hesitate.
Thanks to Github you can use markdown in your issues. That's really enjoyable (make links, item lists, insert code, ...) so use it generously !