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Ogn Snackbar - Angular ui snackbar-component - npm package : ogn-snackbar

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Angular 6 Ui Snackbar-Component Service

At this point compatible with Angular v6


The two main features are :

  1. This is an independent ui service - no prerequisites & no dependencies.
  2. Highly configurable ui component, with simple config options you can control the position of the bar, the animation effects, the action / icon that will be presented.


To use the snackbar service, in your application components, import and inject the service like any other service.

import { OgnSnackbarService } from 'ogn-snackbar';
constructor(private snackbarService: OgnSnackbarService) { }

To show the snackbar call the method

this.snackbarService.showSnackbar(text: string, options?: SnackbarOptionsArgs)


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

import { 
} from 'ogn-snackbar';

  selector: 'app-view-snackbar',
  templateUrl: './view-snackbar.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./view-snackbar.component.scss']
export class ViewSnackbarComponent implements OnInit {

    constructor(private snackbarService: OgnSnackbarService) { }

    ngOnInit() { }
    /** here we calling the snackbar to be position on top, with 'Ok' as 
     *  an action next to the text (with handle param as a callback),
     *  for 4 sec and entering/exiting with slide effect.
    showSnackbar() {
      this.snackbarService.showSnackbar('Hello from snackbar view !', {
        position: SanckbarPosition.TOP,
        appearanceEffect: SnackbarAppearanceEffects.SLIDE,
        timeout: 4000,
        action: { 
          name: 'Ok', 
          handler: (name, data) => console.log(name, data) 


step 1 -
In your app.module add :

import { OgnSnackbarModule } from 'ogn-snackbar';

  declarations: [ ... ],
  imports: [

step 2 -
In app.component.html (at the top) do :




A snackbar can appear only one at a time. Whan called a snackbar for appearing while one is beeing shown, it will immediately dismissed and the recently called snackbar will appear.

Core Objects


  • Object scheme :

    SnackbarOptionsArgs {
      /** a none clickable icon, position at the right side of the bar, 
       *  (same position as an action).
      matIcon?: SnackbarIcon;
      /** a clickable text at the right side of the bar, if a callback
       *  is not needed than a simple string would suffice, else
       *  use a SnackbarAction
      action?: string | SnackbarAction;
      /** the effect/animation of which the bar will appeare.
       *  can be fade, slide, fade-slide and pop 
       *  [pop option will be supported in the near future !]
      appearanceEffect?: SnackbarAppearanceEffects;
      borderGap?: number; // [will be supported in the near future !]
      /** the postion/location of the bar, top or bottom.
      position: SanckbarPosition; 
      /** the amount in milisec the bar will be shown.
      timeout: number; 
  • Used only as a parameter for showSnackbar method


  • Object scheme :

    SnackbarAction {
      /** the action name, the text that will be placed at the right 
       *  side of the bar.
      name: string;
      /** the callback that will be called whan the action been clicked,
       *  it received the name of the action, and the event object.
      handler: (action: string, $event: Event) => void;
      textColor?: string;  // [will be supported in the near future !]
  • Used only as a property in SnackbarOptionsArgs object.

  • Action have priority over icon - if Both action and an icon are defined on SnackbarOptionsArgs object the icon will be ignored.


  • Object scheme :

    SnackbarIcon {
      /** accessibility purposes - use as the value of the 'aria-labelledby' 
       *  attribute that wrap the icon element.
      iconName: string;
      /** array of the css classes responsible for displaying the icon.
       *  e.g : 
       *  using Matirial Icons we difine this class on the global style file,
       *    material-icons.alert-icon:before { 
       *      content: "warning"; 
       *      color: #FDD835; 
       *    }
       *  and the 'displayClasses' will be ['material-icons', 'alert-icon'].
      displayClasses: string[];
      /** array of extra css classes that will be attach to the icon element.
       *  the resone for this property is to seperte the classes that difine 
       *  the content and color (the classes that responsabale for the icon 
       *  being what it is) from the less major classes.
       *  (you can ignore this property if you want)
      extraClasses?: string[];
      iconColor?: string; // [will be supported in the near future !]
  • Used only as a property in SnackbarOptionsArgs object.

  • Action have priority over icon - if Both action and an icon are defined on SnackbarOptionsArgs object the icon will be ignored.

Default Options Configuration

There are default options' values defained, thay will be used in a case showSnackbar method will receive no options parameter.

  • Default Options :

      matIcon: undefined;
      action: undefined;
      appearanceEffect: SnackbarAppearanceEffects.SLIDE;
      // borderGap: undefined; // [will be supported in the near future !]
      position: SanckbarPosition.BOTTOM;
      timeout: 3000; 

You can override those options be providing your own options object using OgnSnackbarModule.forRoot() in app.module.
For example :

import { OgnSnackbarModule, SanckbarPosition, SnackbarOptionsArgs } from 'ogn-snackbar';

const myDefaultOptions: Partial<SnackbarOptionsArgs> = {
  action: 'Ok',
  position: SanckbarPosition.TOP

  declarations: [ ... ],
  imports: [

now the default options will marge to

  matIcon: undefined;
  action: 'Ok';
  appearanceEffect: SnackbarAppearanceEffects.SLIDE;
  // borderGap: undefined; 
  position: SanckbarPosition.TOP;
  timeout: 3000; 

That mean that every time you will call showSnackbar method with no options, the bar will slide from the top for 3 sec, with 'Ok' action aside.
But be aware that with those default options in palce, any time you will not state action or an icon in the options object you provide showSnackbar method, the bar will default to the 'Ok' action stated in myDefaultOptions object.


  • If you calling the showSnackbar method for app.component.ts (your root app ts file) make sure to call it after the view is initialized (not from the constructor or ngOnInit, for example).

Background - snackbars
I'v tried to follow (not strictly) along the line weaved, and their best practice for implementing a snackbar, as far as design and user experience.


Ogn Snackbar - Angular ui snackbar-component - npm package : ogn-snackbar






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