WP Advanced Blog is a wordpress plugin that aims to give webdevelopers more freedom to structure their blog. (more info will come when I've launched the first version)
The roadmap will be updated when new suggestions are being worked on. If your suggestion is not on the list than it doesn't mean that I forgot about it, it simply means that I'm currently working on another item in the list. (Checked items will stay there for at least 1 week)
- Query all posts using all the filters
- author__in
- author__not_in
- cache_results
- cat
- category__and
- category__in
- category__not_in
- comment_count
- date_query
- ignore_sticky_posts
- meta_query
- menu_order
- name
- nopaging
- no_found_rows
- offset
- order
- perm
- ping_status
- post__in
- post_mime_type
- post__not_in
- post_parent
- post_parent__in
- post_parent__not_in
- post_type
- post_status
- posts_per_page
- posts_per_archive_page
- post_name__in
- s
- second
- sentence
- suppress_filters
- tag
- tag__and
- tag__in
- tag__not_in
- tag_id
- tag_slug__and
- tag_slug__in
- tax_query
- title
- update_post_meta_cache
- lazy_load_term_meta
- update_post_term_cache
- w
- year
- attachment_id
- comment_status
- comments_per_page
- day
- exact
- fields
- hour
- m
- monthnum
- p
- page
- paged
- page_id
- pagename
- meta_compare
- meta_compare_key
- meta_key
- meta_value
- meta_value_num
Coming soon
Images and guides will be added when the plugin reaches version 1.0
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.