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Hizzy is a React based fullstack modern web framework!



To install Hizzy simply type this:

npx hizzy

Production Configuration

You might want to turn off includeOriginalInBuild for faster build scan.

You might want to turn off autoBuild to prevent it from rebuilding every time.

You should turn dev off by setting it to false.

Built-in addons


This addon adds these databases:

SQLite Support

MongoDB Support

MySQL Support

JSON Database Support

YAML Database Support

XML Support


This addon adds language support to your page!

Check the Language Support Example on GitHub


Local authentication

Check the Local Authentication Example on GitHub

Discord authentication

Check the Discord Authentication Example on GitHub


An addon that makes a popup for errors whenever something doesn't work which helps you maintain your project easily!

This feature is not fully done.


This feature is not fully done.


This addon lets you append things on the <head> tag using a custom tag named <Helmet>!


import Helmet from "@hizzyjs/helmet";

export default <>
        <title>Hello, world!</title>
    Hello, world!

Check the Helmet Example on GitHub


An addon that adds a better progressive load to images that first shows the image's blurred version then the actual image.

This feature is not fully done.

Check the Images Example on GitHub


This feature is not fully done.

🏎️ Blazingly fast and small-sized! 🏎️

Hizzy is blazingly fast compared to its competitors!


Coming soon...

JSX Support

You can use JSX which lets you add HTML/Components inside your code!

⚡ Instant server connection! ⚡

There are comment decorators in Hizzy that allow you to run specific server-sided functions you want to run!


The @server decorator lets client run a function that is run in the server side!

An example that logs "Hello, world!" to the server terminal whenever a button is pressed:

// @server
function helloWorld() {
    console.log("Hello, world!");

export default <button onClick={helloWorld}></button>

And you might be asking yourself... Can't the client see the inside of the server-sided function then?

No! Only thing the client knows is that the server-sided function is called helloWorld! How amazing is that!?


The @server/respond decorator lets client run a function that is run in the server side and get the returned value!

An example that adds two numbers and sends them back to the client:

// @server/respond
function secretFunction(a, b) {
    // Client doesn't know that it's just addition!
    return a + b;

export default <div>The secret function says {await secretFunction(2, 2)}</div>;

You might ask, why do I have to use await keyword for @server/respond functions?

The reason is it's not instant in literal sense. Since it uses sockets to run functions, it takes little to no time. But it can't be instant.

@server/join & @server/leave

The @server/join decorator will be run when a client joins. The function will be executed from the server side.

The @server/leave decorator will be run when a client leaves. The function will be executed from the server side.

The clients won't get any information about the functions assigned with these decorators. Not even their names.

An example that tells the server terminal that someone joined or left:

// @server/join
function onSomeoneJoin() {
    console.log("Someone just joined!");

// @server/leave
function onSomeoneLeave() {
    console.log("Someone just left!");

export default <div>What a peaceful page!</div>;


The functions assigned with @server/start decorator will be run from server side and will run at the beginning of the process.

The clients won't get any information about the functions assigned with this decorator. Not even their names.

An example that logs I'm alive to the server terminal when server starts:

// @server/start
function onServerStart() {
    console.log("I'm alive!");

export default <div>Hey!</div>;

NOTE: This doesn't work when the development mode is on!

Reason for the note: The @server/start runs when the server starts which is possible when it's production mode

since every file is built once per process. Unlike production mode, in development mode the files will be built every request, therefore it would have to run the @server/start function every REQUEST! That is usually not what you want. So we disabled it. It will say Internal server error to the client.*


All you have to do to is type hizzy!

This will immediately start your project.

Providing the cd

Normally hizzy uses the current directory you are in the terminal, but you can specify the directory as an argument!

npx hizzy [root]


npx hizzy ./myDirectory/myProject

Addon API

To create an addon structure you can run the command npx hizzy --addon-init YourAddonName


This function is ran immediately after the file is exported.


This function is ran when the addon is enabled.

First trigger of this function is when server starts listening.

This can be triggered by the a shortcut in the CLI which disables and enables all addons.


This function is ran when the addon is enabled.

This can be triggered by the a shortcut in the CLI which disables and enables all addons.

This will be triggered before the termination of the process.


This function is ran when a client joins the website.

WARNING: This function will be run from the client side therefore you can't use server-sided functions.

For more information check the injections/jsx.js file and search for doAddon(1).

NOTE: If the client is transferred between pages using Hizzy's openPage function or reloadPage this won't be run again. This function is only ran when the first request is sent.


This function is ran when a client has done rendering the page.

WARNING: This function will be run from the client side therefore you can't use server-sided functions.

For more information check the injections/jsx.js file and search for doAddon(2).


This function is ran when a client has done rendering the page.

WARNING: This function will be run from the client side therefore you can't use server-sided functions.

For more information check the injections/jsx.js file and search for doAddon(3).

Why Hizzy?

In Turkish "hız" means "speed" in English. We added "zy" at the end to make it easier to pronounce and here you go, Hizzy!

People who helped to find the name: mattmatt0990, lebouwski

Project history

  • Created the project: June 21, 2023
  • First public commit: July 13, 2023