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What WAS Oasis?!?!

Oasis WAS a rehost of closedverse, with a much better mod team, nicer CSS, and, a better mod team? I always wanted to add new features, but I never got around to it, mostly because I was busy working on getting Indigo ready for launch.

Closedverse has a github too! Which makes this, really, really redundant!

only reason this is up is so I can add a license that ensures no one tries using Oasis' name. please stop, its been 2 years.


  • Python 3.6.2?
  • Django
  • urllib3?
  • lxml
  • passlib
  • bcrypt
  • mysqlclient if you're using mysql
  • pillow
  • imghdr?
  • markdown




It's a standard Django app.

Make the config, migrate, then either runserver or run it in uWSGI. If you don't know how to set up a Django app, look it up please.

But please oh please, do not make this public.


Copyright 2017 Arian Kordi, all rights reserved to their respective owners. (Nintendo, Hatena Co Ltd.)

I added the Mozilla Public License, so this code can be used but you cannot use the likeness such as the Oasis name.