Setup a initialized OSM tile-server stack into k3d
# install cluster
# delete initialised database
sudo rm -rf ./tmp/postgis/data
# install cluster
# disconnect machine from the Internet
Still work in progress next step is the Ingres configuration
- Installed k3d
- Installed kubectl
- Installed helm
mkdir -p tmp/postgis
mkdir -p tmp/tiles
mkdir -p tmp/import
mkdir -p tmp/dockerMirrorCache
mkdir -p tmp/dockerMirrorCerts
We create a fresh cluster and mount three additional directories into it. The three directories are later used to serialize the postgis data, to store the rendered tiles and to take a initial data for the import.
k3d cluster create "osmTest" \
-v `pwd`/tmp/postgis:/postgis \
-v `pwd`/tmp/tiles:/tiles \
-v `pwd`/tmp/import:/import \
--agents 2
# create the volumes
# Attention, this is wrong because k8 is running inside a docker container and therefor the
# common host directories are not visible
#export BASE_PATH=`pwd`; envsubst < init/postgis_volume_init.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
#export BASE_PATH=`pwd`; envsubst < init/tiles_volume_init.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl apply -f init/pv/postgis_pv.yaml
kubectl apply -f init/pv/tiles_pv.yaml
kubectl apply -f init/pv/init_pv.yaml
# bound the volumes to specific volume claims
kubectl apply -f init/pvc/postgis_pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f init/pvc/tiles_pvc.yaml
# check the existence of the volume
kubectl get pv --all-namespaces
kubectl get pvc --all-namespaces
(documentation reference:
- persistence.existingClaim
- persistence.size
- persistence.storageClass
helm install osm-db \
-f init/others/postgis/bitnami_postgis_values.yaml \
kubectl apply -f $basePath/init/jobs/postgis_init_job.yaml
kubectl run osm-db-postgresql-client --rm -it --restart='Never' --namespace default --image --env="PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" --command -- psql --host osm-db-postgresql -U osm_db -d osm_db -p 5432
# delete persistent volume
kubectl delete pv <pv_name> --grace-period=0 --force
# evaluate why a pod isn't starting
kubectl describe pod osm-db-postgresql-0
# decode secret value
kubectl get secrets/osm-db-user-pass --template={{.data.password}} | base64 -d
helm create osm_stack
cd osm_stack
helm dependency build