Record inventory/stocks for products.
- Record product data with current quantity.
- Record stock ins with ordered and received quantity.
- Record stock out.
- Generate csv report for inventory values.
- Generate csv report for sales report.
- mass import stock from csv files.
- use multiple currencies simultaneously without any errors.
- filter and search through products.
- pagination support.
- Golang 1.12
- go get
handles app
contains models/domains related to
contains handlers for handling business
contains generic reusable
contains structs to handle incoming web
contains structs to handle report data modelling.
contains configurations such as simple database connection and migration and web-routings.
- Product must be created first. Barcode is unique.
- Transaction Number in stock-in is unique.
- User will reference product in stock-in and stock-out with product's Barcode. If product with such Barcode doesn't exist, response will be 422.
- Product can be updated, but only its name.
- Product can be destroyed (only if there is no stock-in and stock-out for that product).
- User may create "negative inventory" (can create stock-out without stock-in).
- Stock in and Stock out can be updated and deleted.
- Product current quantity is not stored in database (generated on request).
- all requests with prices can have an extra field (Currency) which our uom service will exchange into USD since this is the default currency for the rest of the system
- new currencies can be easily added through internal/services/uom.go
(Check configs/routes
for more detail.)
Create product (user must create product before creating stock in and stock out).
POST /v1/products HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache
"Barcode": "A0",
"name": "drawing book",
"Category": "All",
"ExpiresIn": 200,
"Price": 40,
"currency": "IQD"
Get Products List
GET /v1/products?page=0&limit=5&name=draw HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache
Create Stock-in, must provide Barcode of an already made product.
POST /v1/stock_ins HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache
"Barcode": "A0",
"price_per_product": 11000.0,
"transaction_number": "T0",
"ordered_quantity": 100,
"received_quantity": 100,
"currency": "USD"
Create Stock-out, also must provide valid product Barcode.
POST /v1/stock_outs HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache
"Barcode": "A0",
"price_per_product": 15000.0,
"quantity": 80,
"currency": "IQD"
Get Inventory Valuation Report in CSV
GET /v1/reports/inventory_valuation.csv HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
cache-control: no-cache
Get Sales Report (start date and end date is optional, supply none, either or both)
GET /v1/reports/sales_report.csv?start_date=2019-01-01& end_date=2019-12-30 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
cache-control: no-cache