8x8 LED Matrix built using MAX7219 modules and arduino
- MAX7219 8x8 matrix modules
- HC05 bluetooth module
- Arduino board (Uno)
- 1 PCB 10x10 board, 2 PCB 20x20 boards
- /mode_append: default writing mode, when new message is written it’s appended to the already written message on the screen.
- /mode_clear: when a new message it replaces the message which is already written on the screen.
- /clear: removes the message written on the screen.
- /invert: switches between active low and active high mode.
- /scroll: starts the scrolling mode (if the message is static).
- /hold: stops the scrolling mode (if the message is scrolling).
- /left: makes scrolling direction to the left.
- /right: makes scrolling direction to the right.
- /si: increases the scrolling speed (makes scrolling faster).
- /sd: decreases the scrolling speed (makes scrolling slower ).
- Typing text without “/” in the beginning won’t be considered as command and message will be shown on the screen ##Android App Used Android Bluetooth control
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.broxcode.arduinobluetoothfree&hl=en