In this repository, I present some of my works related with Artificial Intelligence at University of Lübeck, during my Master in Robotics and Autonomous Systems. I would like to thank all of my teachers and lab teammates.
Courses: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Deep Learning
PCA, ICA and Sparse Coding
Three unsupervised methods are applied: Prinicipal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis (ICA), and Sparse Coding (SC).
Dataset: MNIST - handwritten images and faces.
Manifold Learning
Multi-dimensional Scaling and Isomap algorithm are implemented. Dataset: Swiss roll.
Statistical Learning Theory
K-nearest-neighbor algorithm is implemented for a two-class classification problem on a two-dimensional dataset.
Adaptive boosting algorithm is implemented to combine multiple weak classification models and form one strong classifier for a two-class classification problem on a two-dimensional dataset.
Random Forests
Random forest algorithm is implemented to combine multiple decision trees to one strong classifier for a multi-class classification problem on a two-dimensional dataset.
Introduction to Python
- Basic Python: Basic data types (Containers, Lists, Dictionaries, Sets, Tuples), Functions, Classes
- Numpy: Arrays, Array indexing, Datatypes, Array math, Broadcasting
- Matplotlib: Plotting, Subplots, Images
- IPython: Creating notebooks, Typical workflows
Imaging - Histograms
- Image gradients
- Compute and display histograms
- Underexposed, darker, images that have been exposed to too little light
- Overexposed, brighter, images that have been exposed to too much light
- Histogram equalization, logarithmic and quadratic functions
Image Acquisition, Optics
- Thin lenses, focal length, focus
- The influence of the focal length
- The influence of the aperture
- Conversion between pixel and camera coordinates, Time-of-flight (ToF) camera
Image Center, Edges, Keypoints
- Finding the image center
- Edge detection, show image gradients
- Canny edge detector
- Key point detection by using the Structure Tensor J and the Hassian Matrix H
Greedy Snake
- Use the gradient magnitude as image term
- Calculate the three energy terms
$E_{cont}$ ,$E_{curv}$ ,$E_{imag}$ - Normalize the energy terms over the neighborhood to the intervall
$[0, 1]$ - Estimate the point in the neighborhood, that has minimum energy
Nearest Neigbor
- Matlab Introduction
- Brute Force
Linear Programming
- Pattern-by-Pattern Learning
- Batch Learning
Quadratic Programming
- Optimization and Maximum Margin
Duality (no code)
- Dual Linear Program
- Equilibrium Theorem
- Strong Duality Theorem
- Weak Duality Theorem
Lagrange Multipliers
Polynomial Kernels
Simplified Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO)
Support Vector Regression (SVR)
Neural Networks
- Classification
- Sigmoid Activation Function
- Multi-Layer-Perceptron (MLP)
Introduction to PyTorch
- Tensor basic
- Tensor playground
- Autograd
- ConvBlock
- Pneumonia classification in x-ray torso
- Dataset
- Pytorch data tensor structure
- Training
3D Semantic Segmentation
Implementation of a deep 3D-CNN for multi-organ segmentation.
Dataset: Learn2Reg Abdominal CT (20 training and 10 validation scans each manually labelled with 13 organs).
- Affine transformation
- 20 training and 10 validation scans each manually labelled with 13 organs
- Training the FCN for segmentation
- Segmentation using lite reduced atrous spatial pyramid pooling (LR-ASPP) (missing part)
Electrocardiogram (ECG) Sequence Classification
Classify (variable-length) ECG recordings of the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge into four rythm classes: normal sinus rhythms (N), atrial fibrillation (AF), other rhythms (O), noise signals (∼).
PhysioNet/CinC Challenge
To use the ecg signals with our neural nets normalize each recording s to have zero mean and unit variance.
Pre-trained 7 Layer ResNet (featnet) + Linear Classifier
15 Layer ResNet + Linear Classifier
15 Layer ResNet + LSTM + Linear Classifier
Image Registration
Introduce deep-learning based image registration.
- Computation of (joint) histograms and mutual information
- Image Transformation
- (Discrete) Correlation layer
- Define feature network architecture
- Training of MI-based registration
- Modality Invariant Neighbourhood Descriptor (MIND) (missing part)
- Learning global + local deformable multimodal registration (missing part)
Weakly-Supervised Visualization
Implement methods that allow to gain insights which parts of an input image to a Deep Neural Network are pivotal for its classification decision.
- Implement dataset and visualize the given pancreas train & test data
- Finetune a pretrained ResNet on the given data
- Implement the Class Activation Mapping (CAM) method
- Implement the guided backpropagation
- Implementing the custom ReLU-Layer
Model Distillation & Ternary Nets
Implement methods that allow to compress deep learning models via model distillation and ternary weights. This enables the use of deep learning in medicine due to its real-time ability and implementation on weaker mobile devices.
Data of Patch Camelyon (tupac16) Challenge is used.
- Modify a pretrained VGG11_BN network for the given training data
- Fine tuning
- Network Pruning through increased Sparsity
- Ternary weight approximation (missing part)