This project has been replaced by the following CloudFlare worker:
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
const getBaseURL = (hostname, pathname, referer) => {
const isStaging = hostname === ""
const isStatic = pathname.startsWith("/_next/static")
// handling static frontend content
if (isStatic) {
// we use the referer to keep vercel previews working
if (referer){
return referer.replace(/\/$/, "");
// otherwise we route to the standard staging/prod base url
if (isStaging){
return "";
return "";
// handling other photos stored in google
if (isStaging) {
return "";
return "";
* Fetch and log a request
* @param {Request} request
async function handleRequest(request) {
// Parse request URL to get access to query string
const url = new URL(request.url);
if (url.pathname.length < 2)
return new Response("Missing image", { status: 400 });
if (!/\.(jpe?g|png|gif|webp)$/i.test(url.pathname)) {
return new Response("Disallowed file extension", { status: 400 });
// Cloudflare-specific options are in the cf object.
let options = { cf: { image: {} } };
// Copy parameters from query string to request options.
// You can implement various different parameters here.
if (url.searchParams.has("w")) = url.searchParams.get("w");
if (url.searchParams.has("q")) = url.searchParams.get("q");
if (url.searchParams.has("h")) = url.searchParams.get("h");
// Your Worker is responsible for automatic format negotiation. Check the Accept header.
const accept = request.headers.get("Accept");
if (/image\/avif/.test(accept)) { = "avif";
} else if (/image\/webp/.test(accept)) { = "webp";
const baseURL = getBaseURL(
const imageURL = `${baseURL}${url.pathname}`;
// Build a request that passes through request headers
const imageRequest = new Request(imageURL, {
headers: request.headers,
let response = await fetch(imageRequest, options);
response = new Response(response.body, response);
response.headers.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=15552000");
return response;