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Sprint 44

Joost van Ulden edited this page Oct 21, 2021 · 7 revisions

Due by October 21, 2021

Scrums: Oct 14 | Oct 19

Sprint Goals:

  • Finalize views & support edits/revisions (Will)
    • PSRA indicator revisions (Will)
    • Update physical exposure indicators (Will)
    • Update FGP datasets, waiting on:
      • Joost to send Will translations
      • Phil to do QA/QC on Social "Vulnerability" layer based on Damon's issue #22
  • Publish FGP records (Joost)
    • Send revised data files and MXD's to FGP (Will, Phil)
      • Physical Exposure
      • Social Vulnerability
      • Multi-Hazard
      • PSRA
      • DSRA
    • Review revised FGP data layers (Murray, Phil, Tiegan, Joost, Will)
      • Physical Exposure
      • Social Vulnerability
      • Multi-Hazard
      • PSRA
      • DSRA
    • Prep indicator tables for FGP documentation resources (Phil (NHSL), Tiegan (PSRA,DSRA), Joost)
    • Fitness for purpose statement (Phil) DRAFT for Murray & Tiegan See issue
    • Disclaimer (Phil) See issue
    • Prep legend files (MXD's) for FGP data See issue
      • Physical Exposure
      • Social Vulnerability
      • Multi-Hazard
      • PSRA
      • DSRA
  • Final run of the national model (PSRA) (Tiegan) - in progress
  • Draft Exposure OpenFile, discussion and validation sections (Phil) - almost done, final review next week
  • OpenDRR API pipeline tweaking
    • Flexible CSV header loading and verification (DONE, needs to be reviewed and merged) Issue model-factory#53
    • GitHub Actions for CI (Anthony)
    • Pipeline optimization (Anthony)
    • Migrate from Backblaze to S3 (Anthony, 50% complete?)
  • Automatic milestones (Anthony) - some progress
  • View attributes in map preview on data repo (Damon, Joost) > Done, waiting on feedback from Phil
  • Draft of CanSRM1 technical document (Tiegan)
  • Migrating GitHub pages to source repo (Damon)
  • Auto-generated README files (Damon)
  • Adding CSD aggregations and shake maps (Drew)

NOTES for Sprint 45:

  • Prep DSRA for FGP (Will, Joost, Tiegan)


  • Docker hub container migration to GitHub Container Registry (Anthony)
  • Auto-generated README (Damon)
  • GitHub pages migration (Damon)
  • Pipeline optimization (Drew)
  • Shake maps (Drew)

Scrum Notes:

Thursday, October 14, 2021


  • working on images to ghcr
  • some issues with pygeoapi
  • python-env next
  • will look in the API work


  • finishing up indices
  • finalizing stack build
  • some progress on flexible header loading
  • working on stack build bugs with Will
  • will look at loading CSDUID aggregations for DSRA


  • Hazus work last couple of days
  • edits to Physical exposure complete
  • will work on PSRA with Tiegan


  • additions to DSRA maps
  • adding error handling to maps


  • attended W3C meetings this morning
  • updated pygeoapi configuration
  • updated Postman samples
  • review PR's today
  • attend meetings

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


  • data repo changes, PR submitted
  • looking into GitHub Actions


  • PSRA revisions
  • Away Thursday/Friday
  • DSRA additional aggregations CSDUID
  • support new stack build changes


  • working on model factory updates
  • CSV header flexibility done, will be in next PR
    • better error checking
  • Aggregated DSRA CSDUID indices


  • Docker image in GitHub Container Registry now


  • working on Linked Data Pilot
  • reviewing PR's
  • updating pygeoapi configurations in various repo's
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