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Sprint 70

Anthony Fok edited this page Feb 3, 2023 · 6 revisions

Tuesday, January 23, 2023 – Thursday, February 2, 2023

Sprint Goals:


  • Link-checker in gh-actions - riskprofiler repo - Drew

    • Follow up on link-checker dead links - add issue to riskprofiler repo
  • French Language Translation - Drew/Anthony

    • In progress follow up with procurement
  • Wordpress Migration - Drew/Anthony - backlog

    • Will require new SA&A 3-6 month lead time
  • Add additional DSRA scenarios Drew/Will/Anthony

  • Document deployment process, see Procedure to update RiskProfiler website (80% complete) - Anthony - backlog (Sprint 72)

    • defer to french language deployment
  • Tutorial with someone else running static site generation workflow - Anthony

    • defer to french language deployment - backlog (Sprint 72)


  • Run GH action to check for French READMEs (LISEZMOI) and open issue if missing - Drew/Anthony

  • Write GH action to run DeepL and create LISEZMOI files on Changes to README - Drew/Anthony (40-50% done)

  • General update and review of all README LISEZMOI files and licenses

    • model-factory, (Will)
    • opendrr-api [ ], earthquake-scenarios [ ] (Drew)
    • python-env [ ] , riskprofiler [ ] (Anthony)

Elasticsearch - Kibana - PostGIS

  • Wiki Document Required data sets for version/subversion release (Drew) - Sprint 71

  • Add New Staff Member to Kibana Dashboard - Drew

  • Fix bug - single source for DSRA repo issue-236 (Drew, Anthony)

    • Mostly done - still working through 'master branch' bug 40% complete
  • - check and build from local sql dump if present - backlog sprint 72 - (Anthony)

  • Run stack build in EC2 full scripted with AWS CLI - Sprint 70 (Drew, Anthony)

Data Dissemination


  • PSRA - in progress (Will - Waiting for CIO approval)
  • DSRA each scenerio - adding 4x new scenarios v1.4.3 - in progress (Will)
  • NHSL
  • Exposure

GitHub pages for new DSRA scenarios

  • Add new GitHub page for each DSRA scenario (Anthony, Will)

DSRA Scenario Names:

New Datasets need to add National EP-curves to our supported datasets

  • Add National EP-Curve Table/View to 'results_psra_national' in PostGIS - Will
  • Add to ES/PyGeoAPI - Drew
  • Re-Generate PSRA_National GeoPackage - Will
  • Add to GitHub Pages download page

OpenDRR Administrative


Drew - DSRA repo/branch bug Anthony - DSRA Renaming


Tuesday, January 24, 2023


  • Set up Ruby and built the Jekyll site under OpenDRR/earthquake-scenarios/docs (GitHub Pages) under Windows on AWS EC2, and successfully made changes to docs/_data/dsra.yml and had the HTML updated automatically
  • To continue investigation on how to change the scenario names that are embedded in the map images


  • To finish submitting whitelisting requests to Microsoft, Trellix and VIPRE, see OpenDRR/opendrr#122
  • To finish submitting a GitHub issues OpenDRR/earthquake-scenarios regarding DSRA name change and addition based on Tiegan's ScenarioReview_TH_Oct2022.xlsx and valuable feedback from Drew and Will


  • (placeholder)

Thursday, January 26, 2023


  • Debian Packaging


  • Still chasing stack build bug


  • FGP Got back, swamped with CCMEO work, asked us to reproject to lambert conformal

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

  • Anthony - Looking into new DSRA repo for Jrimano scenarios
  • Will - Working through READMEs
  • Drew - Still chasing stack build bug


Thursday February 2, 2023

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