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GitHub Actions

Anthony Fok edited this page Feb 2, 2022 · 7 revisions

[Very early draft of random notes and links]

Let’s find out how we can abuse fully utilize GitHub Actions and GitHub-hosted runners (Linux, macOS and Windows virtual machines) for automated tasks, etc.

Table of Contents

Video Talks


for running Jekyll ourselves

Resource limits

Useful actions


actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact

Special thanks to Antonio Ettorre from GEM for the great suggestion!

Upload release assets (and create release)


easimon/maximize-build-space: Github action to maximize the available disk space on Github runners

This action optionally uses the sudo rm -rf /usr/share/dotnet trick that I used to free up more disk space, but easimon/maximize-build-space go far beyond that, with great documentation about how everything works, e.g. a 4GB swap file on a temporary disk that has 10GB free, etc. Quite fascinating.

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