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Sprint 37

Joost van Ulden edited this page Jul 5, 2021 · 7 revisions

Due by July 1st, 2021

Sprint Goals:

  • Finalize views & support edits/revisions (Will)
    • move datasets from model-inputs to openquake-inputs (private for now) repo (Will, Anthony, Drew)
    • integrate final earthquake scenario (DSRA) catalogue (1 Scenario) > Sprint 38
    • pre-aggregate exposure on hex grid (Will)
  • Publish FGP records (Joost)
    • Send revised data files and MXD's to FGP (Will, Phil)
      • Physical Exposure
      • Social Vulnerability
      • Multi-Hazard
      • PSRA
    • Review revised FGP data layers (Murray, Phil, Tiegan, Joost, Will)
      • Physical Exposure
      • Social Vulnerability
      • Multi-Hazard
      • PSRA
    • Prep indicator tables (next to final) for FGP documentation resources (Murray, Phil, Joost)
    • Fitness for purpose statement (Phil) DRAFT for Murray & Tiegan
    • Disclaimer (Phil)
    • Prep legend files (MXD's) for FGP data (Phil) See issue
      • Physical Exposure
      • Social Vulnerability
      • Multi-Hazard
      • PSRA
  • Final run of the national model (PSRA) (Tiegan)
  • Load data changes to accommodate indicator revisions for (Drew, Anthony, Will) *50% complete? See issue model-factory#53 > Sprint 38
  • Merge CQL feature branch into pygeoapi (Joost) - Tom K. said wait for the bilingual patch
  • Integrated PSRA in ES (Drew) > Sprint 38
  • Kibana sample visualizations (Drew) > Sprint 38
  • Draft Exposure OpenFile, methods and results sections (Phil)
  • TOC and responsibilities for RiskProfiler section (Phil)
  • GitHub Actions for CI (Anthony) > Sprint 38
  • Enable downloads with DRAFT text and link to OpenDRR site (Joost)
  • Project coordination mapping (Phil, Joost) > Sprint 38
  • Pipeline optimization (Anthony)
    • migrate from Backblaze to S3 (Anthony) > Sprint 38


  • Demo updated developer samples for ESRI - waiting on hex bin geometries in ES (Joost) > Sprint 38
  • Pipeline optimization overview (Anthony) > Sprint 38
  • Upload opendrr-boundaries.bump as GitHub artifact, and how to download it (Anthony)
  • Kibana Dashboards (Drew)
  • Pre-aggregated Hex Bin's (Will)
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