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Champion Program

Francisco Picolini edited this page Sep 4, 2023 · 4 revisions

The OpenNebula Champions are an exclusive group of passionate technology and community leaders that represent OpenNebula, help sustain and grow its user base, and act as a liaison between other open-source projects and their communities.

What is the Role of a Champion?

Champions are passionate volunteers who work to connect, teach and spread OpenNebula globally. Some of the roles that a Champion can play are:

  • Be a go-to resource for people interested in OpenNebula
    • Inspire, recruit and support new users and contributors
    • Solicit, gather and share feedback from users
    • Answer questions at events, on social media, blogs, etc.
  • Represent the OpenNebula project
    • Speak and demonstrate OpenNebula at industry events
    • Participate in local meetups, user groups, etc.
    • Act as a liaison with other open-source projects
  • Spread the word of OpenNebula
    • Organize community local events (TechDay, hands-on tutorial, lecture or meetup)
    • Publish blog posts
    • Engage in discussions in blogs and social media

How the Project Supports its Champions?

The project provides the following support to its Champions:

  • Visibility in the Community Champions section at
  • Exclusive communication channel for Champions, where you get the opportunity to provide feedback, share ideas, and discuss about features and implementations
  • Marketing and training materials for your community events related to OpenNebula
  • Funding for all expenses incurred while representing the project
  • Special Badge on the Forum
  • Stay informed about new releases, roadmap, etc.

Champions are selected through a peer review process based on their (1) exemplary contributions to, and outstanding engagement with, the OpenNebula community, and their (2) geographic location.

You can check our Community Champions page to see the select group of current OpenNebula Champions.