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Rework HardwareCursor sprite padding.
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All frames in a sequence now use the same bounds
and hotspot, and have a size that is a multiple of 8.
  • Loading branch information
pchote committed Jan 3, 2020
1 parent af5d8a3 commit 0aa0a15
Showing 1 changed file with 45 additions and 43 deletions.
88 changes: 45 additions & 43 deletions OpenRA.Game/Graphics/HardwareCursor.cs
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using OpenRA.Primitives;

namespace OpenRA.Graphics
Expand All @@ -38,19 +37,46 @@ public HardwareCursor(CursorProvider cursorProvider)
hardwarePalette.AddPalette(p.Key, p.Value, false);


sheetBuilder = new SheetBuilder(SheetType.Indexed);
foreach (var kv in cursorProvider.Cursors)
var frames = kv.Value.Frames;
var palette = cursorProvider.Palettes[kv.Value.Palette];
var hc = kv.Value.Frames
.Select(f => CreateCursor(f, palette, kv.Key, kv.Value))

hardwareCursors.Add(kv.Key, hc);
// Hardware cursors have a number of odd platform-specific bugs/limitations.
// Reduce the number of edge cases by padding the individual frames such that:
// - the hotspot is inside the frame bounds (enforced by SDL)
// - all frames within a sequence have the same size (needed for macOS 10.15)
// - the frame size is a multiple of 8 (needed for Windows)
var sequenceBounds = Rectangle.FromLTRB(0, 0, 1, 1);
var frameHotspots = new int2[frames.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++)
// Hotspot relative to the center of the frame
frameHotspots[i] = kv.Value.Hotspot - frames[i].Offset.ToInt2() + new int2(frames[i].Size) / 2;

// Bounds relative to the hotspot
sequenceBounds = Rectangle.Union(sequenceBounds, new Rectangle(-frameHotspots[i], frames[i].Size));

// Pad bottom-right edge to make the frame size a multiple of 8
var paddedSize = 8 * new int2((sequenceBounds.Width + 7) / 8, (sequenceBounds.Height + 7) / 8);

var cursors = new IHardwareCursor[frames.Length];
var frameSprites = new Sprite[frames.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++)
// Software rendering is used when the cursor is locked
frameSprites[i] = sheetBuilder.Add(frames[i].Data, frames[i].Size, 0, frames[i].Offset);

// Calculate the padding to position the frame within sequenceBounds
var paddingTL = -(sequenceBounds.Location + frameHotspots[i]);
var paddingBR = paddedSize - new int2(frames[i].Size) - paddingTL;
cursors[i] = CreateCursor(kv.Key, frames[i], palette, paddingTL, paddingBR, -sequenceBounds.Location);

var s = kv.Value.Frames.Select(a => sheetBuilder.Add(a)).ToArray();
sprites.Add(kv.Key, s);
hardwareCursors.Add(kv.Key, cursors);
sprites.Add(kv.Key, frameSprites);

Expand All @@ -64,48 +90,24 @@ PaletteReference CreatePaletteReference(string name)
return new PaletteReference(name, hardwarePalette.GetPaletteIndex(name), pal, hardwarePalette);

IHardwareCursor CreateCursor(ISpriteFrame f, ImmutablePalette palette, string name, CursorSequence sequence)
IHardwareCursor CreateCursor(string name, ISpriteFrame frame, ImmutablePalette palette, int2 paddingTL, int2 paddingBR, int2 hotspot)
var hotspot = sequence.Hotspot - f.Offset.ToInt2() + new int2(f.Size) / 2;

// Expand the frame if required to include the hotspot
var frameWidth = f.Size.Width;
var dataWidth = f.Size.Width;
var dataX = 0;
if (hotspot.X < 0)
dataX = -hotspot.X;
dataWidth += dataX;
hotspot = hotspot.WithX(0);
else if (hotspot.X >= frameWidth)
dataWidth = hotspot.X + 1;

var frameHeight = f.Size.Height;
var dataHeight = f.Size.Height;
var dataY = 0;
if (hotspot.Y < 0)
dataY = -hotspot.Y;
dataHeight += dataY;
hotspot = hotspot.WithY(0);
else if (hotspot.Y >= frameHeight)
dataHeight = hotspot.Y + 1;

var data = new byte[4 * dataWidth * dataHeight];
for (var j = 0; j < frameHeight; j++)
// Pad the cursor and convert to RBGA
var newWidth = paddingTL.X + frame.Size.Width + paddingBR.X;
var newHeight = paddingTL.Y + frame.Size.Height + paddingBR.Y;
var rgbaData = new byte[4 * newWidth * newHeight];
for (var j = 0; j < frame.Size.Height; j++)
for (var i = 0; i < frameWidth; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < frame.Size.Width; i++)
var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(palette[f.Data[j * frameWidth + i]]);
var start = 4 * ((j + dataY) * dataWidth + dataX + i);
var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(palette[frame.Data[j * frame.Size.Width + i]]);
var o = 4 * ((j + paddingTL.Y) * newWidth + i + paddingTL.X);
for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++)
data[start + k] = bytes[k];
rgbaData[o + k] = bytes[k];

return Game.Renderer.Window.CreateHardwareCursor(name, new Size(dataWidth, dataHeight), data, hotspot);
return Game.Renderer.Window.CreateHardwareCursor(name, new Size(newWidth, newHeight), rgbaData, hotspot);

public void SetCursor(string cursorName)
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