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Settings in config.ini

Margen67 edited this page Apr 29, 2021 · 58 revisions

config.ini is the main configuration file for OpenRCT2. It is divided into sections. Most options can be changed in-game, however some must be changed directly. Any plain text editor will work (Notepad, Notepad++, vim, ect.). Values are case-sensitive. Illegal values will be reset to default on next launch.




option legal values default description
default_display TBD 0 Sets the display to the default values
drawing_engine SOFTWARE, SOFTWARE_HWD, OPENGL SOFTWARE Changes what drawing engine is used.
fullscreen_mode 0 (windowed), 1 (fullscreen, uses fullscreen_height and fullscreen_width), 2 (fullscreen, uses desktop resolution) 0 Whether or not the game is windowed or fullscreen, and which fullscreen mode to use
fullscreen_height any positive integer in pixels native desktop resolution height (e.g. 1080 for 1920x1080) Controls vertical size of game in fullscreen mode
fullscreen_width any positive integer in pixels native desktop resolution width (e.g. 1920 for 1920x1080) Controls horizontal size of game in fullscreen mode
minimize_fullscreen_focus_loss true, false true Minimize the game if focus is lost while in fullscreen mode
show_fps true, false false Show the FPS in-game
uncap_fps true, false false Disables FPS limit (Default limit is 40 FPS)
use_nn_at_integer_scales true, false true ?
window_height any positive integer in pixels 480 or -1 (headless) Controls vertical size of game in windowed mode
window_width any positive integer in pixels 640 or -1 (headless) Controls horizontal size of game in windowed mode
window_scale any positive number, in 0.25 increments 1.000000 The amount to scale the game by. Most useful when playing in extreme resolutions.
window_snap_proximity 0 (disabled), any positive integer in pixels 5 Determines if in-game windows snap to each other, and if so at what distance

Map Rendering

option legal values default description
landscape_smoothing true, false true Whether or not the transitions between two different land types should be "smoothed"
always_show_gridlines true, false false Show the gridlines for each tile
construction_marker_colour 0 (white), 1 (translucent) 0 Changes the colour of the construction marker.
day_night_cycle true, false false Cycle between day and night.
enable_light_fx true, false false More detailed description to come
upper_case_banners true, false false Display banners in uppercase (RCT1 behaviour)
render_weather_effects true, false true Enable or disable weather effects in-game
render_weather_gloom true, false true Enable or disable weather gloom in-game
disable_lightning_effect true, false false Disables lightning effect during a thunderstorm
show_guest_purchases true, false false Show purchases that park guests have made during their time in the park


option legal values default description
language en-GB, en-US, de-DE, nl-NL, fr-FR, hu-HU, pl-PL, es-ES, sv-SE, it-IT, pt-BR, zh-TW, zh-CN, fi-FI, ko-KR, ru-RU, cs-CZ, ja-JP, nb-NO en-GB Changes what language is used
measurement_format IMPERIAL, METRIC, SI METRIC Changes what measurement format is used for distances, speed, etc.
temperature_format CELSIUS, FAHRENHEIT CELSIUS Changes what format the temperature is displayed in
show_height_as_units true, false false Show height as generic units instead of format specified by measurement_format
date_format DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, YY/MM/DD, YY/DD/MM DD/MM/YY Changes what date format is used
currency_format GBP, USD, FRF, DEM, JPY, ESP, ITL, NLG, SEK, EUR, KRW, RUB, CZK, HKD, TWD, CNY, 16(custom currency) GBP Changes what currency format is used. Purely visual, there is no exchange rate implementation.
custom_currency_rate any integer between -9999999 and 99999999 10 Changes the exchange rate of the custom currency.
custom_currency_affix SUFFIX, PREFIX SUFFIX Defines if the custom currency symbol is used as suffix or prefix.
custom_currency_symbol any string, in quotes "Ctm" Custom currency symbol.


option legal values default description
edge_scrolling true, false true Scrolls the screen when the mouse cursor is at the edge of the window
trap_cursor true, false false Keep the mouse cursor in the window
invert_viewport_drag false, true false Invert right mouse dragging of the viewport
zoom_to_cursor false, true true More detailed description to come


option legal values default description
autosave 0 (every minute), 1 (every 5 minutes), 2 (every 15 minutes), 3 (every 30 minutes), 4 (every hour), 5 (never) 1 How often OpenRCT2 automatically saves. Will be saved as autosave_YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss.sv6
confirmation_prompt true, false false Show confirmation prompts, regardless of changes to scenario (typically, RCT2 only prompts if there have been changes). Also adds a prompt before closing the game.
game_path full path to the RCT2 installation varies The full path to where the original rct2.exe is located. This should never be changed unless you know what you're doing.
play_intro true, false false Plays the intro movie on startup
save_plugin_data true, false true Save custom object data in scenarios and save games. If a player opens a scenario with custom object data that they do not have, and that object is embedded in the scenario file, the game will automatically install it for them.
debugging_tools true, false false Enable debugging tools
test_unfinished_tracks true, false false Allow testing of incomplete circuits. Does not work when the coaster is in block section mode.
no_test_crashes true, false false Disables train crashes while a coaster is in test mode
auto_staff true, false false Automatically place newly hired staff members
handymen_mow_default true, false false Newly hired handymen mow grass by default (RCT1 behaviour)
default_inspection_interval 0 (every 10 minutes), 1 (every 20 minutes), 2 (every 30 minutes), 3 (every 45 minutes), 4 (every hour), 5 (every 2 hours), 6 (never) 2 Sets the default inspection interval
last_run_version the last OpenRCT2 version any string, in double quotes Stores the last known version of OpenRCT2
load_save_sort 0 (name, ascending), 1 (name, descending), 2 (date, ascending), 3 (date, descending) 0 The sorting order to use in the native load/save dialogs
allow_loading_with_incorrect_checksum true, false true Allow OpenRCT2 to load files that have incorrect checksum values. Required for opening files from RCT2 Mini Game
steam_overlay_pause true, false true Pause the game if OpenRCT2 detects Steam's overlay open
auto_open_shops true, false false Automatically open shops and stalls when placed
scenario_select_mode 0 (difficulty level), 1 (source game) 1 Determines whether to sort scenarios into tabs by their difficulty (RCT2 behaviour) or their source game (RCT1 behaviour)
scenario_unlocking_enabled true, false true Enable scenario unlocking (RCT1 behaviour)
scenario_hide_mega_park true, false true Hide Mega Park from scenario list
last_game_directory full path to the last used savegame directory varies Full path to the last used savegame directory.
last_landscape_directory full path to the last used landscape directory varies Full path to the last used landscape directory.
last_scenario_directory full path to the last used scenario directory varies Full path to the last used scenario directory.
last_track_directory full path to the last used track directory varies Full path to the last used track directory.
window_limit any integer between 8 and 64 64 Sets how many windows can be opened simultaneously.
show_real_names_of_guests true, false true More detailed description to come


option legal values default description
toolbar_show_finances true, false true Show a separate button for the finance window in the toolbar
toolbar_show_research true, false true Show a separate button for the research and development window in the toolbar
toolbar_show_cheats true, false false Show a separate button for the cheat window in the toolbar
toolbar_show_news true, false false Show a separate button for the recent news window in the toolbar
toolbar_show_mute true, false false
toolbar_show_chat true, false false
select_by_track_type true, false false Allow switching train type on roller coasters that share the same track type (RCT1 behaviour)
console_small_font true, false false Use different font for in-game console in place of the standard RCT font
current_theme "*RCT2", "*RCT1", the name of a custom theme, in quotes "*RCT2" Controls what color scheme is used for the GUI
current_title_sequence "*OPENRCT2", "*RCT2", *RCT1, *RCT1AA, *RCT1AALL, the name of a custom sequence, in quotes "*OPENRCT2" The park sequence to use on the title screen
object_selection_filter_flags varies 16383 Stores the flags for the filters in the object selection window


option legal values default description
audio_device "", the name of a audio device on your computer, in quotes "" (Default sound device) The name of the audio device on your computer that OpenRCT2 will use
master_sound true, false true
master_volume any integer between 0 and 100 100 Controls the master volume of the game
title_music 0 (disabled), 1 (RCT1 theme), 2 (RCT2 theme), 3 (random) 2 What music to use on the main menu. 1 and 3 require that you copy data\css17.dat from your RCT1 installation to data\css50.dat in your RCT2 installation.
sound true, false true Play game sound effects
sound_volume any integer between 0 and 100 100 Controls the sound effect volume of the game
ride_music true, false true Play ride music
ride_music_volume any integer between 0 and 100 100 Controls the ride music volume of the game
audio_focus true, false false Mute the game if the window loses focus


option legal values default description
player_name any string, in quotes "Player" or "<username>" The name of the player for multiplayer
listen_address string, in double quotes 11753 The IP address to listen on for multiplayer servers
default_port any integer between 1 and 65535 11753 The port to use for multiplayer servers
default_password any string, in quotes "" The password to use for multiplayer servers
stay_connected true, false true Whether or not to stay connected to a multiplayer server, even if an error/desync occurs
advertise true, false true Display your server on the public server list so everyone can find it
advertise_address any string, in double quotes "" If you are having issues with your server appearing on the master server list, you can set this to your external IP address to fix it
maxplayers any positive integer greater than or equal to 1 16 The maximum number of clients that can connect
server_name any string, in double quotes "Server" The name of the server
server_description any string, in double quotes "" The description of the server
server_greeting any string, in double quotes "" The message to display to joining players of the server
master_server_url any string, in double quotes "" The address of the master server - fill in "" if you want your server to appear on the official server list
provider_name any string, in double quotes "" The name of the server operator
provider_email any string, in double quotes "" The email of the server operator
provider_website any string, in double quotes "" The website URL of the server operator
known_keys_only true, false false Whether unknown players should be blocked
log_chat true, false false Whether chat history should be logged
log_server_actions true, false false
pause_server_if_no_clients true, false false Pauses the game if no players are connected to the server
desync_debugging true, false false


option legal values default description
park_award true, false true Show notifications for park awards
park_marketing_campaign_finished true, false true Show notifications for finished park campaign
park_warnings true, false true Show notifications for warnings about the park
park_rating_warnings true, false true Show notifications for warnings about the park rating
ride_broken_down true, false true Show notifications for ride breakdowns
ride_crashed true, false true Show notifications for ride crashes
ride_warnings true, false true Show notifications for warnings about rides
ride_researched true, false true Show notifications for researched rides and attractions
guest_warnings true, false true Show notifications for warnings about guests
guest_lost true, false false Show notifications for lost or stuck guests (RCT1 behaviour)
guest_left_park true, false true Show notifications for watched guests leaving the park
guest_queuing_for_ride true, false true Show notifications for watched guests entering a ride's queue
guest_on_ride true, false true Show notifications for watched guests getting on a ride
guest_left_ride true, false true Show notifications for watched guests leaving a ride
guest_bought_item true, false true Show notifications for watched guests buying an item
guest_used_facility true, false true Show notifications for watched guests using facilities
guest_died true, false true Show notifications for dead guests


option legal values default description
api_url string, in quotes "" (empty string)
channel Any valid Twitch channel name, in quotes "" (empty string) The name of the TwitchTV channel that will be used for Twitch integration
follower_peep_names true, false true Name to name peeps after channel followers
follower_peep_tracking true, false false Automatically track peeps that are channel followers
chat_peep_names true, false true Name peeps after users in channel chat
chat_peep_tracking true, false true Automatically track peeps that are in channel chat
news true, false false Display in-game news items from channel chat that start with "!news"


option legal values default description
file_name any string, in double quotes "" The file name of the font
font_name any string, in double quotes "" The font name
x_offset 0 x_offset
y_offset -1 y_offset
size_tiny 8 The size of the tiny font
size_small 10 The size of the small font
size_medium 11 The size of the medium font
size_big 12 The size of the big font
height_tiny 6 The height of the tiny font
height_small 12 The height of the small font
height_medium 12 The height of the medium font
height_big 20 The height of the big font
enable_hinting true, false true
hinting_threshold number 0
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