This is a small nvim plugin which uses gwatch to watch for file events, and write the stdout to a buffer. The exact behavior can currently only be controlled per filetype.
The UI is heavily borrowed from sniprun.nvim.
I am personally loading this with LazyVim. Below is a config with some example configuration.
The primary motivation for this plugin is to automatically do something when I update a source file.
keys = {
{ "<leader>ct", '<cmd>lua require("gwatch").toggle()<cr>', desc = "Toggle Gwatch", mode = "n" },
{ "<leader>cs", '<cmd>lua require("gwatch").start()<cr>', desc = "Start Gwatch", mode = "n" },
{ "<leader>cx", '<cmd>lua require("gwatch").stop()<cr>', desc = "Stop Gwatch", mode = "n" },
opts = {
-- The width of the UI window
windowWidth = 50,
-- Options in this block are the default independent of language
default = {
-- Check the output of `gwatch --help` for specific information about flags
eventMask = "write",
mode = "kill",
patterns = "**",
-- %e and %f respectively expand to the event, and the file it affected
command = "echo %e %f",
-- Settings for a specific filetype override default settings
lang = {
go = {
patterns = { "**.go", "go.mod" },
-- Not using 'go run .' because that doesn't return the actual running process PID.
-- gwatch will be unable to kill spawned instances of the process.
command = "go build -o ./out .; ./out",
rust = {
patterns = { "**.rs", "Cargo.toml" },
command = "cargo run",