npm install ./
this will create a folder called _site with your website in it
Jamstack is a complete rip off but scaled way back, if it best used for small sites hosted in a serverless nature (we use cloudflare).
It is small and fast have a look at buildit.js (thats the whole thing) it is 254 lines of code (7k) and sits snugly in any CD / CI infrastructure.
1 create a njk file in the _source folder 2 copy an assets folders to the _source folder (this will pass through) 3 add any vars to _data/env.js 4 add abd data to _data/api.js 5 ./ local / prod
nunjucks templates : frontmatter : API : can pull data from remote sources JSON : you can load data into into JSON objects into the api.js and they will be available in an array called content. supports multiple outputs in front matter outputFolder: user,projects will create users/index.html & projects/index.html useful if you are doing Ajax calls to render the data into tables for admins and such
example front matter
layout: layout pagination: data: size: 1 alias: contentarray permalink: /work/{{ contentarray.pageName }}/ outputFolder: /
outputFolder: user,projects
will look for a file called layout.njk in the _includes folder
laoyout: layout
sets the title of the page and the name, outputFolder overrides this
title : Index
can be the apiData or content array
pagination: data: size: 1 alias: contentarray
output a permalink (over riders title)
permalink: /work/{{ contentarray.pageName }}/
permalink: /work/{{ contentarray.title }}/ outputFolder: work