To build the project and conduct tests, clone the repository and run:
gradle build
To run the project as an application, clone the repository and run:
gradle run
The project is divided into 10 packages:
conf: Default configuration settings and file management
data: Stores data from saved universes
land: Lander implementations
misc: Images, skins and resources
peng: All elements of the physics engine (rates, states, interfaces, functions)
prob: Probe with fuel implementation
solv: ODE solver interface and solvers
traj: Route planning, orbit planning, and Newton-Raphson implementation
univ: Classes holding CelestialBody and Universe model
visu: Graphical User Interface
Additionally the test package holds all JUnit testing and Logging classes in three packages
expData: NASA Horizons data used for testing
log: Data logging and saved test outputs
test: JUnit 5 tests