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@MostafaElAyoubi MostafaElAyoubi released this 15 Jan 16:22

New major release of Orkestra Online!

So much work went into this one. This release was built in parallel to the Orkestra Web App. Our main focuses were :

  • Bringing the Rhino Grasshopper integration up to level with Revit-Civil/Dynamo
  • Future proofing the platform and its integrations
  • Improving the code base
  • Fix the known bugs
    Many other cool thing have been implemented in what we believe is our biggest leap forward ever! This is paving the way for many many amazing things !!

PS : sorry for the super long release notes , but hey... A lot has happened! 😅

rhino Grasshopper Rhino & Grasshopper

This is the first official release of the Rhino & Grasshopper integration 🪂 🥳 👯 We are extremely excited to have finally brought the Rhino/Grasshoper experience to the same level as Revit-Civl3D / Dynamo


  • 🚀 MUCH improved Rhino integration (for those who have tried it in beta), with improved run logic, script IP securing for Oline Runs etc.
  • 📈 Analytics now available for Rhino and Grasshopper !
  • runinspector The run inspector is now able to record and display Grasshopper Script runs as well!
  • orkestraeditor The Orkestra Online editor can now display Grasshopper scripts as well! Visualize any version of your tools directly from the Desktop App, or the Web App !
  • 🐛 Brand new Orkestra plugin for GrassHopper is Live! Open / Upload definitions directly to the platform, check out any version of any definitions.
  • 🤖 Orkestra now installs directly, no need for extra drag drop action
  • ✂️ Node and code snippets for grasshopper
  • 🤖 Auto UI form for Grasshopper scripts from any UI input / grasshopper player getter . GrasshopperPlayer inputs are detected automatically, and other Grasshopper input components ca be added to the form by using the * ok * tab a the begenning of the Component nickname :
  • 🍞 Use Grasshopper player context bake to bake from AutoUIForm
  • 💅 Build beautiful custom ribbons in Rhino for your tool libraries! Make your Grasshopper tools more user friendly than ever!
  • 📃 Use Grasshopper player context text to output messages
  • 📦 deploy your grasshopper plugins through Orkestra! Whether they are libraries, user object, or python resources, you can deploy it all through Orkestra. We'll be publishing a blogpost soon covering how to deploy Ladybug Tools through Orkestra Online .
  • ☁️ You can now upload multiple grasshopper plugins at once

AutoInputForm Auto UI Form

  • 💅 Improved UI and performance , escpecially for runs with disabled element binding!
  • 🔍 Input navigation : Sometimes graphs get very large, and finding the exact input node that corresponds to the input in the form can become complicated. This should help a lot in that scenario! Both in Dynamo and Grasshopper.
  • 🖼️ You can now output images
  • 🎨 Added support for color palette (Dynamo) and Color Gradient and Swatch (Grasshopper)

Playlists Playlists (For Dynamo and Grasshopper)

  • 💅 Much improved playlist interface #224
  • 🪨 Better stability, management of missing ressources
  • ⚠️ Added "Break Points" : make sure a Playlist gets interrupted if one of the definitions in your sequences runs with errors

Dynamo Grasshopper Dynamo & Grasshopper Improvements

  • 🧠 Create new dynamo definition with Hub/Workspace package environment.
  • ⌚ Improved Orkestra Git version Comparison capabilities : navigate all changes with the sleekest UI for both Dynamo and Grasshopper tools

Users User Management

  • 👥 You can now create User Groups for better/easier management ! Create all the groups you need and assign them to users. When you grant/revoke access to a group, all users within that group inherit it (only accessible through webapp
  • 🔍 For organizations with very large numbers of Azure user groups, we have added a search bar that should make your lives easier.

🛠️ Bug fixes

  • 🐛 Fixes nastiest bug in 1.7.2 : package update warnings are much more reliable now. No more false negatives and constant notification to update packages
  • 🐞 Fixed path lenght exception that ofter occured during upload / download of packages.
  • 🐛 Fixes access to Orkestra Editor and Run Inspector from the desktop app / software integrations . Remember you can also access them through the web app now! #227
  • 🐞 Revit Crash when launching OkPy #225 . This was due to a dependency version conflict. We eliminated the need for that dependency altogether 🔨 .
  • 🐞 Fixes issue where online node snippet drag and drop feature would bring the snippet in previous selection

🚀 Enhancements

  • 🏘️ In order to save some ribbon real estate, OkPy and Orkestra now live under the same tab! We also made all the icons Dark Mode Friendly 🌃 (sort of adresses #197 )
  • 🐎 Improved speed for quickaccess setup #157 all arround the world
  • ⏳ Improved loading screens for a smoother, more beautiful user experience #196
  • 🔔 Removed unnecessary notification warning that a hub has no package settings
  • 🚀 Major rewrites of significant parts of the app : the code base is much improved and paving the way towards Orkestra 2.0.
  • OkPy searchbar behaviour for ListView inputs #214