- trello link for the activites we did
- heroku link
Author: Osama Yousef Version: 1.0.0 (increment the patch/fix version number if you make more commits past your first submission)
This project ABOUT making a book application so you can search your book by author or by title
- Languages Used:Javascript
- Runtime Used:Node.js
- Libraries:Dotenv / Cors / Express / SuperAgent /pg / ejs
Number and name of feature: Feature#2 Rendering Search Results Estimate of time needed to complete: 3 hours
Start time: 6:30
Finish time: 9:30
Actual time needed to complete: 3 hours
Number and name of feature: Feature#3 Adding CSS
Estimate of time needed to complete: 3 hours Start time: 9:30
Finish time: 1:30
Actual time needed to complete: 4 hours
Number and name of feature: Feature#3 Adding CSS
Estimate of time needed to complete: 3 hours Start time: 9:30
Finish time: 1:30
Actual time needed to complete: 4 hours
Number and name of feature: Feature#4 Error Handling
- We were doing This feature during all the features before