Command-line base64url encoder / decoder
$ go get -u
$ base64url -h
Usage of base64url:
-d decodes input (default is to encode)
-i string
input file or "-" for stdin (default "-")
-o string
output file or "-" for stdout (default "-")
Encode from stdin:
$ echo "Hello, world" | base64url
Decode from stdin:
$ echo "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkCg" | base64url -d
Hello, world
Encode to and from file:
$ base64url -i plain.txt -o b64.txt
Decode to and from file:
$ base64url -d -i b64.txt -o plain.txt
This is used for code formatting.
$ go get -u
This is used for code linting.
$ go get -u
The repository has been configured to enforce signature verification.
$ git config commit.gpgsign true
$ git config alias.tag 'tag -s'
This pre-commit hook makes sure all code is properly formatted and linted before it is committed.
$ cp githooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit
Install goimports
, golint
and go vet
support in your editor of choice as needed.