FullStack Development | Web Design | Front-end | Back-end
A Full Stack JavaScript Developer 🚀 I have worked with : React+Firebase , Sequelize, Postgres,
I want to become a full-time and an Open Source Contributor ❤️.
I'm a 31-year-old web developer from Venezuela currently living in Peru. I just finished a Full Stack Developer Program at Henry Bootcamp, and I'm looking for open-source projects to contribute to and people to collaborate with!
Talk to me about
- Front-end development using React
- Backend development using .NET, Node, Express
- Architectural design for Postgres, PgAdmin
Javascript |
Html |
Git |
NodeJs |
Vs Code |
Teamwork developing a Marketplace type app to be able to register and log in through Google or a username and password, to: ○ As a user, take medical shifts, manage them, and consult my medical history. Add doctors to favorites and rate the medical care and the page. ○ As a medical professional, to be able to offer medical shifts, manage them, register the medical consultation and fill out the medical history of the patients, being accessible at any time prior to the shift for your reference. You have access to all the patients you have attended, notification and reminder to be able to use this means to manage all your medical activity. In addition, you can have a record of your income, and you can use the app as a user, to serve yourself. ○ Administrator mode to obtain user and professional performance data. Possibility of granting admin license to users, deleting users and/or professionals, and answering queries made to the web.
Code: front - https://github.com/IvanVelazquezz98/Medicine-App-FRONT
back - https://github.com/neleon10/MEDICINE-APP-BACK
Page: https://medicine-app-ten.vercel.app/
const Otto = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
code: ["Javascript"],
askMeAbout: ["web dev", "tech", "music", "Walk"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: ["React", "Redux", "Bootstrap"],
backEnd: [Node, Express, PostgreSQL]
backEnd: {
js: ["node", "express", "PostgreSQL"],
tools: [Postman, PGAdmin4, Git],
misc: ["Firebase"]
hobbies: ["Sing", "play piano", "ride a bike"],
funFact: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works"
challenge: "Currently studying at university and at the SoyHenry.com bootcamp"
⭐️ From Otto