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Repository of MGE scripts for global SDSE publication


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MGE scripts

Scripts used to extract and classify accessory genomic segments in global SDSE manuscript ( Automated MGE class calling from Corekaburra ( and Panaroo ( outputs based on recombinase types within accessory segments

Modified from the MGE classification scheme developed by Khedkar S. et al. NAR 2022 DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkac163 Requires recombinase profile HMMs available at, Smyshlyaev G. et al. Mol Sys Biol 2021 (, and pfam ( with pfam profile HMM names provided in Supplementary Table 1 in the ProMGE publication by Khedkar et al. Requires type 4 secretion system (T4SS) profile HMMs from MacSyFinder ( doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0110726

A convenience script is provided to download the profile HMMs

These scripts are tested with the following dependencies and versions

  • Panaroo v1.2.10
  • Corekaburra v0.0.2
  • hmmer 3.3.2
  • Biopython v1.79
  • Python v3.7.12
  • Numpy v1.21.6
  • Pandas v1.3.4
  • csvtk v0.23.0

Should first construct pangenome using Panaroo and analyse pangenome gene synteny using Corekaburra. Should run Panaroo with -a pan to output alignment of all genes.

Step 1. Download profile HMMs. Run $bash

Will download required profile HMMs from proMGE, pfam and MacSyFinder. Profile HMMs will be placed in subdirectories hmms/recombinase and hmms/T4SS

Need to manually download "Source Data for Appendix" from Smyshlyaev G. et al. Mol Sys Biol 2021 (, extract zip file and move TRdb.hmm to hmms/recombinase

Step 2. Run $ python -i <path/to/directory/containing/MSA>

Translates nucleotide sequence from Panaroo pangenome to protein sequence and gives a representative pangenome. Takes a folder of multisequence alignments and/or multifasta containing sequences of a single gene e.g., MSA from Panaroo. Excludes sequences with an internal stop codon and takes longest remaining sequence per gene. Generates representative protein pangenome file pan_genome_reference_protein.fa

Step 3. Run $ bash -g <pangenome_reference_protein.fa> -i <gene_presence_absence.csv> -p <path/to/hmms/folder>

Runs hmmsearch against pangenome genes to annotate recombinase/integrase genes from mobile genetic elements (MGEs). Looks for recombinase subfamilies, phage structural proteins and essential type IV secretion system proteins (coupling protein, ATPase). Uses eggnog-mapper v2.1.7 DIAMOND search under --sensitive mode for annotating phage structural proteins. Consider running eggnog-mapper separately as takes >30 mins - commented out of script by default

e.g. $ python -i pan_genome_reference_protein.fa -o sdse

Expects hmms folder to contain subdirectories hmms/recombinase and hmms/T4SS containing their profile hmms

Step 4. Run $ python -i <annotated_gene_presence_absence.csv> -g <path/to/postpanaroo_gffs/directory>

Generates gene_presence_absence_roary file ordered by sequence ID for each sequence. Uses the order of CDS from post-Panaroo corrected gffs to order the genes for each genome. This is because sorting by locus tag can result in refound genes being out of order. Required for pulling out accessory genes for each core gene pair. Expects annotated_gene_presence_absence.csv file which has been annotated by

Step 5. is the main script used to generate analysis outputs.

$ bash 
  -n <max_acc lower threshold>
  -i <path/to/corekaburra/output/folder>
  -r <recombinase_rules.tsv>
  -c <core threshold> (default 0.99)
  -m <min accessory genes per genome if pass -n cutoff> (default 1)
  -a <min accessory genes in coreless fragments> (default 10)
  -b <ignore gene classifications from sequence breaks>

If using Corekaburra v0.0.5 (v0.0.2 used in publication analyses), core_pair_summary.csv has been replaced with core_pair_summary.tsv. Can amend line 79 with core_pair="${i}/core_pair_summary.tsv" and line 83 with csvtk filter -t -f "max_acc>=${n}" ${core_pair} | csvtk del-header | csvtk tab2csv > filtered_core_pair.csv for compatibility.

Note that -n are -m are different. -n selects core-core pairs to investigate which have at least one genome with -n accessory genes in the segment (taken from max_acc in Corekaburra). -m determines which genomes to include when investigating a core-core pair based on an accessory gene cutoff between the core-core pair. For example, -n 1 will select core-core pairs which have a max_acc of >=1. -m 1 will analyse segments which have >=1 accessory genes between core-core pairs which passed -n. This combination of parameters may be used to focus analysis on accessory segments of sufficient size to carry cargo genes which may be of biological interest but will also allow detection of insertion sequences which have only one CDS at these insertion sites. Suggest using -n 1 and -m 1 for most comprehensive analysis.

Beware, setting -n to a value >1 may cause a small number of genes to be classified incorrectly as MGE-related when they are actually non-MGE e.g., when non-MGE gene lies of an accessory segment containing only 1 gene but a rearrangement might exist when a MGE inserts next to it.

By default, will only look at accessory only segments/contigs (coreless) with >= 10 accessory genes. This is to balance between finding missing elements and not including fragmented partial MGEs/poor assemblies. Have found that smaller thresholds e.g., 5 accessory genes, when looking at accessory only segments/contigs may lead to calling of poorly supported small elements. Can change this cutoff using -a flag. If interested in small plasmids, will need to drop this threshold. Note that plasmids will be binned with "ICE" elements - these scripts were developed for analyses of S. pyogenes and S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis (SDSE) which uncommonly carry plasmids. Could search within "coreless" segments for elements classified as ICE which may be plasmids in other organisms.

-b enhances accessory gene classification and is recommended. When using rules to determine class of gene (e.g., non-MGE, phage etc.), occurrences of the gene in accessory segments with a sequence break which are not classified as a MGE, will not be weighted. These frequently occur in the setting of a sequence break where accessory genes are on the other side of a sequence break from MGE recombinases. These occurrences will instead be binned in an "Unclassified category".



Generates 5 summary outputs:

  • summary_acc_count.tsv
    a tab delimited file listing number of accessory genes in a segment with genome labels as rows and core-core pairs as columns
  • summary_dis_acc_summary.tsv
    similar to summary_acc_count.tsv except with accessory segment length instead of gene count
  • summary_mge_count.csv
    a comma delimited file listing classification of MGE type (or non-MGE) for each accessory segment including element count for nested MGEs in the same format as summary_acc_count (e.g., nested element with 3 IS recombinases and 1 phage will be labelled IS&3:Phage&1). Also includes a "Hotspot" designation when >=4 recombinases are present in a single element or when both phage and ICE structural genes are present in an accessory segment to flag possible nested elements.
  • summary_mge_classes.csv
    similar to summary_mge_count.csv but with element counts removed
  • classified_genes.csv
    a comma delimited file in the style of Roary gene_presence_absence.csv with the addition of classification of each genes into core, non-MGE accessory, or MGE type. In addition, the frequency each gene appears within a MGE type is listed.

Additionally, interim files with the accessory segment and MGE classifications for each genome and core-core combination are saved in a subdirectory per_pair_output/ for manual inspection if desired. Accessory only segments (coreless) are saved to dummy location tags e.g., coreless_1, coreless_2 etc. A list of which coreless contigs they belong to is saved as coreless_segments.csv.

The per_pair_output/ directory contains a large number of files. Consider saving the coreless_contigs subdirectory but otherwise removing the rest of this directory to free up space post-analysis and after inspection.

Additional information and

$ python
  -f <core gene 1>
  -s <core gene 2>
  -l <low_frequency_gene_placement.tsv>
  -r <recombinase_rules.tsv>
  -o <output directory (default per_pair_output/)>
  -i <sequence_id.txt>
  -g <path/to/ordered_gene_presence_absence/directory>
  -c <core threshold> (default 0.99)
  -m <min accessory genes per genome if pass -n cutoff> (default 1)
$ python
  -i <accessory segment csv extracted by>
  -r <recombinase_rules.tsv>
  -o <output directory>
  -b <ignore gene classification if no MGE found - use only when sequence break in gene pair>
$ python
  -a <Corekaburra's coreless_contig_accessory_gene_content.tsv>
  -f <path/to/postpanaroo_gffs/directory>
  -o <output directory (default per_pair_output/)>
  -i <sequence_id.txt>
  -g <path/to/ordered_gene_presence_absence/directory>
  -c <core threshold> (default 0.99)
  -m <min num,ber of genes in accessory fragment cutoff> (default 10), and are called by extracts accessory segments between core gene 1 and core gene 2. The order of these need to be specified as the script initially assumes gene 1 occurs before gene 2 in the gene_presence_absence.csv. finds accessory segments with >= 10 accessory genes. A threshold of 10 is used to balance between finding missing elements and not including poorly assembled small segments. Have found that smaller thresholds e.g., 5, when looking at accessory only segments/contigs may lead to calling of poorly supported small elements. will look for presence of annotated recombinase, T4SS and recombinase genes and classify if the accessory segment belongs to a MGE and which type.


Repository of MGE scripts for global SDSE publication







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