This repo contains some dotfiles from my "boak" machine. It is mostly about visual appearance.
This readme is meant to be helpful if you interest in some things this repo contains.
I use i3wm
with i3blocks
bar on Gentoo Linux, so there are distro-specific names of dependencies and may be some other specific things.
Over several years using "Agnoster" theme from oh-my-zsh I've ended up with my custom minimalistic theme. It is implemented as .misc/oh-my-zsh/themes/oxore.zsh-theme
file and symlinked to ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/oxore.zsh-theme
on deployment.
Overall my terminal looks like this:
The font used on the screenshot is "Terminus" size of 14 from gentoo repository.
There are some fonts used previously, but I don't use them anymore. I just leave them here for memories.
fonts/Monaco for Powerline.otf
for ST as"Monaco for Powerline:weight=bold:pixelsize=11:antialias=true:autohint=true";
for gnome-terminal
Feel free to ask me anything about my dotfiles by email or opening an issue.