I'm Chandresh Sharma, a 24-year old Software Developer, Designer and a self taught 2d/3d artist from India.
I've had a keen interest in building things since I was a kid; from breaking & modifying model trains and cars, trying to create my own game in RPGmaker to developing large-scale applications, I've always had passion for translating complex problems into engaging experiences.
I have just graduated with a CS Degree from Rajasthan technical university and currently looking for a full-time opportunity at a product-based company to grow, learn & contribute.
When I'm not doing all of that, I can be found listening to classical music(mostly Chopin and paganini), some old classics of queen, sinatra or presley, sometimes some podcasts, or reading some books and online articles(usually related to tech or personnal finance), playing a video game or just trying to learn something interesting and exciting.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Typescript, Next.js, GraphQL
- 💻 All of my projects are available at https://chandresh-portfolio.netlify.app/
- 📫 How to reach me chandreshsharma06.cs@gmail.com