A Golang OGC Api Styles Generator
GOAStyles generates OGC API -
Styles (also see
here) static documents in
golang. GOAS generates the static files with paths conforming to this spec, and
thus implements the read only aspects of the OGC Styles API. The documents are
generated from a yaml
config which mirrors the style metadata like
so. Output is written to either local file, S3 or Azure Blob storage.
- OGC API styles core
- styles (as is)
- Json format
- Serving files
- Conformance to manage-styles and style-validation, since those are dynamic endpoints.
- Conformance and core are expected to be implemented elsewhere.
- Implement OGC API spec for layers
- Move beyond json rendering
mkdir -p output
go build . && ./goas --file-destination=./output ./examples/assets ./examples/config.yaml
go build .
go test ./...
Goas supports config options as flags and environment variables (see the [$VALUES] below) and expects a config yaml
Go OGC Api Styles Generator - Generates OGC API styles to local disk or remote object storage (S3 or Azure Blob)
goas [global options] command [command options] [arguments]
[ASSET_DIR]: path that points to directory where the assets (styles, thumbnails) are provided
[CONFIG]: path to the configuration.yaml for the style generation
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--s3-access-key value S3 access key (optional) [$S3_ACCESS_KEY]
--s3-secret value S3 secret key (optional) [$S3_SECRET_KEY]
--s3-endpoint value s3 endpoint with protocol (optional) [$S3_ENDPOINT]
--s3-bucket value S3 bucket where the styles land on S3 (optional) [$S3_BUCKET]
--s3-prefix value S3 prefix where the styles land on S3 (optional) [$S3_PREFIX]
--s3-secure use a secure S3 connection [true, false], defaults to false (optional) (default: false) [$S3_SECURE]
--azure-storage-connection-string value connection string to Azure Blob storage (optional) [$AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING]
--azure-storage-container value name of Azure Blob storage container (optional) [$AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER]
--azure-storage-blobs-prefix value Azure Blob key prefix (optional) [$BLOBS_PREFIX]
--file-destination value Path where the styles land on disk (optional) [$FILE_DESTINATION]
--formats value (stub) comma seperated list of rendered formats. Choose from: [json,] (default: json) [$API_FORMATS]
--help, -h show help (default: false)
The main config expects:
base-resource: the url that is prepended to each enpdoint (required)
default: the default style (optional)
additional-formats: key value pairs of custom formats (optional)
styles: a yaml that conforms to (required); see examples/config.yaml
and examples/minimal_config.yaml for further explanation.
docker build -t pdok/goas .
mkdir -p output
docker run --rm -v `pwd`/examples:/examples -v `pwd`/output:/output pdok/goas --file-destination /output /examples/assets /examples/config.yaml