Clustering toy datasets using K-means algorithm and Spectral Clustering algorithm
- Download Matlab functions in src folder, and toy dataset in toydata folder
- Open toydata file
- Set data, and set K which is suitable for it (and sigma for spectral_clust function)
- Suggested sigma value is 1
my_kmeans(D, 7);
spectral_clust(D, 2, 1);
visualize_result(D, L);
You can check clustering results in form of 'label', and you can check visualized result by using 'visualize_result' function and 'visualize_centroids' function. It is also built in 'my_kmeans' function and 'spectral_clust' function.
And you can check cluster times, and time required on each implementation.
All data-set is in order: K-means, Spectral Clustering, and given label.
- N : number of data
- d : dimension of data
- data = D - N by d matrix
- matrix_A : affinity matrix, A_ij = exp(- (data_i - data_j)^2 / (2*sigma^2) ) - N by N matrix
- matrix_D : diagonal matrix whose (i,i)-element is the sum of matrix_A's i-th row - N by N matrix
- matrix_L : (D^(-1/2)) * A * (D^(-1/2)) - N by N matrix
- matrix_X : union of k largest eigenvectors of matrix_L - N by K matrix
- matrix_L : renormalizing each of X's rows to have unit length - N by K matrix
- Set matrix_L to data, and run K-means algorithm, and save it's result on label.
- Visualize data using that label.
- my_kmeans.m : Calculate label using k-mean algorithm.
- initialize_centroids.m : Initliaze centroids by randomly pick K points.
- make_clusters.m : Make clusters by finding nearest centroids of each point.
- euclidean_distance.m : Calculate euclidean distance between p1, p2.
- find_empty_cluster.m : Find empty cluster, and return it's index. If all clusters are non-empty, return 0.
- re_set_that_centroid.m : Re-set centroid of empty_cluster_index. New centroid of empty_cluster_index is farthest data from current cluster.
- set_centroids.m : Set new centroids of cluster, finding average of each clusters.
- check_change_of_centroids.m : Check change of centroids. Return 0 if previous_centroids and centroids are same.
- visualize_result.m : Plot graph of data.
- visualize_centroids.m : Plot graph of centroids.
- spectral_clust.m : Calculate label using the function of spectral clustering.
- my_kmeans_no_visualize.m : alculate label using k-mean algorithm, with no data visualization - for spectral_clust function.