This package create a database table to store all bank bookings/statements. Also a artisan command for importing them directly from your bank is created with php artisan bank:import
New Entries are published as an event you can easily listen to, see Usage for more.
This package supports HBCI/FinTS, a german standard for communicating with bank institutes.
A ton of thanks to nemiah/fints-hbci-php for providing and maintaining such a nice library where I could easily put my work on top of it!
First add the composer dependency:
composer require pkeidel/banktolaravel
Then publish and run the migration to create the 'bookings' table:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="PKeidel\BankToLaravel\Providers\BankToLaravelServiceProvider" --tag=migrations
php artisan migrate
Now add this to a good protected route group:
Route::resource('bookings', '\PKeidel\BankToLaravel\Controllers\BookingsController');
Finally create a task scheduler as described HERE:
Append these values to your .env file:
FHP_ONLINE_BANKING_PIN_CMD="keyring get myusername"
# OR use decrypted PIN
FHP_BANK_START="14 days ago"
Every time a new Entry is added to the database, an PKeidel\BankToLaravel\Events\NewEntry
Event is fired.
In some ServiceProvides boot()
function you could simply listen to the events and add some own logic like sending an E-Mail or notify you via some other way.
Event::listen(\PKeidel\BankToLaravel\Events\Error::class, function (Error $error) {
Log::error("BankToLaravel error: $error->exception");
Event::listen(\PKeidel\BankToLaravel\Events\NewEntry::class, function (NewEntry $entry) {
optional(Users::where('iban', $entry->data['ref_iban'])->first())->notify(new NewBankaccountBooking($entry));