I will use RStudio Cloud to share examples and create a ready-to-go workspace for working on assignments. However, it's most useful for you to get comfortable with running everthing on your own system. Follow these instructions to setup the software environment we will need for this class. These instructions are adapted from https://happygitwithr.com.
Install a pre-compiled binary of R for your OS from here https://cloud.r-project.org
Install RStudio Desktop. https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/preview/
For details about checking already-installed software, see https://happygitwithr.com/install-r-rstudio.html#install-r-rstudio.
Follow the directions here https://happygitwithr.com/install-git.html to get git installed on either Windows or Mac.
Create an account on https://github.com (if you don't already have one). This will be a public-facing name and something you might use for a long time, so choose a sensible name!
Install the GitHub Desktop client https://desktop.github.com/.
Follow the "Hello, World" Tutorial here https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/. This uses GitHub only (without messing around with local files on your computer or through RStudio, but it's a good introduction to some of the key functions).