This projec is mostly based on the idea of Guitar Hero and is based on two parts:
- the guitar itself along with its software
- desktop Python-based application
We used photoresistors to create an imitation of strings and buttons to trigger a proper line in the destop app. Dragging was based on an accelerometer. We used:
- STM32CubeMX
- SystemWorkbench for STM32 environment
- STM32F407 board
- PyCharm
To run Desktop Application you need to install:
- python 3.x
- pygame library
- pyserial library
Then proceed as in a standard Python compilation.
- Virtual COM Port:
- Python pygame library:
- Python pyserial library:
The project was conducted during the Microprocessor Lab course held by the Institute of Control and Information Engineering, Poznan University of Technology.
Contractors: Konrad Kęciński, Karol Kobaka
Supervisor: Tomasz Mańkowski