This is the code repository for Hands-On Neural Network Programming with C#, published by Packt.
Add powerful neural network capabilities to your C# enterprise applications
Neural networks have made a surprise comeback in the last few years and have brought tremendous innovation in the world of artificial intelligence.
This book covers the following exciting features: Understand perceptrons and how to implement them in C# Learn how to train and visualize a neural network using cognitive services Perform image recognition for detecting and labeling objects using C# and TensorFlowSharp Detect specific image characteristics such as a face using Accord.Net Demonstrate particle swarm optimization using a simple XOR problem and Encog Train convolutional neural networks using ConvNetSharp Find optimal parameters for your neural network functions using numeric and heuristic optimization techniques.
If you feel this book is for you, get your copy today!
All of the code is organized into folders. For example, Chapter02.
The code will look like the following:
m_va.Copy(vtmp, m_bestVectors[i])
m_va.Sub(vtmp, particlePosition);
m_va.MulRand(vtmp, m_c1);
m_va.Add(m_velocities[i], vtmp);
Following is what you need for this book: This book is for Machine Learning Engineers, Data Scientists, Deep Learning Aspirants and Data Analysts who are now looking to move into advanced machine learning and deep learning with C#. Prior knowledge of machine learning and working experience with C# programming is required to take most out of this book.
With the following software and hardware list you can run all code files present in the book (Chapter 1-12).
Chapter | Software required | OS required |
All | MS Visual Studio Community Version 2017 | Windows |
7 | A - Software from web site B - DotNetBar C - Nevron Chart | Windows |
We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams used in this book. Click here to download it.
Matt R Cole Matt R. Cole is a developer and author with 30 years' experience. Matt is the owner of Evolved AI Solutions, a provider of advanced Machine Learning/Bio-AI, Microservice and Swarm technologies. Matt is recognized as a leader in Microservice and Artificial Intelligence development and design. As an early pioneer of VOIP, Matt developed the VOIP system for NASA for the International Space Station and Space Shuttle. Matt also developed the first Bio Artificial Intelligence framework which completely integrates mirror and canonical neurons. In his spare time Matt authors books, and continues his education taking every available course in advanced mathematics, AI/ML/DL, Quantum Mechanics/Physics, String Theory and Computational Neuroscience.
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