Minimalistic LISP dialect implemented in Scala.
- strings
(def str "wololo")
- numeric
(def num1 123)
(def num2 12.32)
- collections
- maps
{k1 v1 k2 v2}
- sequences
- lists
`(a b c)
- vectors
[a b c]
- lists
- maps
- nil
- prefix-operators
- backtick
- prevents evaluation - ampersand
- for passing varargs - tilda
- unimplemented - dot
- unimplemented
- backtick
+, -, *, div, mod
eq, lt, lte, gt, gte
and, or, not
nothing?, str?, coll?, seq?, map?, vector?, list?, num?, func?, bool?, identifier?
head seq, tail seq, init seq
take n seq, drop n seq
conj seq x, cons x seq
(if (eq 2 1) then "2 equals 1" else "1 equals 1") ==> "1 equals 1"
(map f coll)
(filter f coll)
(reduce f start coll)
(fn [x y] (+ x y))
(def x 3)
(def x "wololo")
or shorter:
(def func (fn [x y] (+ x y)))
(defn func [x y] (+ x y))
(let {foo 21 bar 37} (+ foo bar)) ==> 58
(defn fact [x] (let {f (fn [acc x] (if (eq x 1) then acc else (f (* acc x) (- x 1))))} (f 1 x))) (fact 5) ==> 120
(defn sum [&nums] (reduce + 0 nums)) (sum 1 2 3) ==> 6
(defn fib [] (let {f (fn [a b] (lazy-seq (cons b (f b (+ a b)))))} (f 0 1) )) (take 3 (drop 2 (fib))) ==> [2, 3 ,5]
(defn mults [num] (let {f (fn [i] (* i num)) g (fn [i] (lazy-seq (cons (f i) (g (+ i 1)))))} (g 1))) (take 5 (mults 5)) ==> [5, 10, 15, 20, 25]
- negative numbers parsing, to make one:
(- 0 num)
- maps manipulation functions
- IO
- some kind of better conditions handling, like
from Clojure - macros definitions
- and lots of other stuff, too
Check here