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The documentation for the MongoDB Integration plugin available on the Unreal Engine Marketplace.

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MongoDB Driver features

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
    0.1. Blueprints
    0.2. C++
  2. Creating a Connector
    1.1. Client
    1.2. Pool
  3. Getting Data
  4. Updating Data
  5. Other Functionalities
  6. C++ examples
  7. Troubleshoting
  8. Support

0. Introduction

0.1. Blueprints

The interface for Blueprints is the same as C++. You can also seemlessly mix both as the classes and structs are the same for both.

All Blueprints methods taking time to complete have several output execution pins instead of bindable delegates as it is easier to use.

0.2. C++

0.2.1. Setup

If you plan to use MongoDB-Driver with C++, add the following line to your MyGame.Build.cs:


You can then include the C++ files in your project:

#include "MongoDB/Document.h"          // For the FDocumentValue structure.
#include "MongoDB/DatabaseConnector.h" // For the IDatabaseConnector interface. 
#include "MongoDB/Client.h"            // For the UMongoClient class.
#include "MongoDB/Pool.h"              // For the UMongoPool class.

0.2.2. Using the Plugin

The interface for C++ is the same as for Blueprints. C++ functions have a Callback instead of an execution pin as parameter with a boolean indicating if the operation succeeded and the data returned by the function if any.

Here is a small example of how callbacks work:

void UMyClass::PingDatabase()
  // Create a Pool.
  IDatabaseConnector* const Connector = UMongoPool::CreatePool(TEXT("mongodb"), TEXT(""), 27017, 5, 10);

  // Or a client.
  // IDatabaseConnector* const Connector = UMongoClient::CreateClient(TEXT("mongodb"), TEXT(""), 27017);

  if (Connector) // Pool creation fails if the URL is ill-formed.
      // With a lambda
      Connector->Ping(TEXT("MyDb"), FMongoCallback::CreateLambda([](bool bSuccess) -> void 
          if (bSuccess)
              // Database responded to our ping !
              // Failed to ping database.
      // Or with an UObject's UFUNCTION
      Connector->Ping(TEXT("MyDb"), FMongoCallback::CreateUObject(this, &UMyClass::MyFunc));

// The function previously bound to the delegate.
void UMyClass::MyFunc(bool bPingSuccess)
    if (bPingSuccess)
        // Pinged successfully.
        // An error occured.

Note that you can't expose directly IDatabaseConnector pointers to Blueprints. You must use the following syntax:

TScriptInterface<IDatabaseConnector> Connector;

1. Creating a Connector

1.1. Client

To create a client, use the CreateClient node:

Blueprint Create Client Example

The parameters of this node are the following:

  • Protocole: should be either mongodb or mongodb+server.
  • Address: The address of your MongoDB database.
  • Port: The port your MongoDB database is on.
  • Additional Parameters: Parameters added at the end of the URI. For example a=b&c=d.

1.2. Pool

To create a pool, use the CreatePool node:

Blueprint Create Pool Example

The parameters of this node are the following:

  • Protocole: should be either mongodb or mongodb+server.
  • Address: The address of your MongoDB database.
  • Port: The port your MongoDB database is on.
  • Min Pool Size: The minimum size of the pool (i.e. the number of clients when there is no task in the pool).
  • Max Pool Size: The maximum size of the pool (i.e. the number of clients when the pool is busy).
  • Additional Parameters: Parameters added at the end of the URI. For example a=b&c=d.
ℹ️ It is recommended to use a pool instead of a client.
ℹ️ If you want to connect to Atlas, you can use the CreatePoolForAtlas node. If you want to directly use a custom URI, the CreatePoolFromURI node can be used.
ℹ️ You can check the Output Log to see the URI used to connect. If the printed URI doesn't match the one you want, you can use the CreatePoolFromURI to have full control over it.

2. Getting Data

To get data, you can use either Find to get several entries or FindOne to get a single document.

FindOne example

⚠️ The Failed exec is not executed when the document wasn't found but only if an error occured.
ℹ️ To know exactly what is returned, you can call the ToJson node to convert a Document Value to JSON. You can then print it to see exatly what it contains.

3. Updating Data

To update existing data, you can use UpdateOne or UpdateMany depending on how many documents you want to update. The UpdateOne node is used as followed:

Update One Example

ℹ️ This page contains useful information as to how to build update queries.

4. Other Functionalities

The following nodes are available as well:

  • ListDatabases: Lists all databases.
  • DropDatabase: Drops the specified database.
  • CreateCollection: Creates a new collection on the specified database.
  • DropCollection: Drops a collection in the specified database.
  • InsertOne: Inserts a document into the collection.
  • InsertMany: Inserts many documents into the collection.
  • ListIndexes: Lists the indexes in the collection.
  • RenameCollection: Renames a collection.
  • ReplaceOne: Replaces a single document matching the provided filter in the specified collection.
  • UpdateMany: Updates multiple documents matching the provided filter in the specified collection.
  • UpdateOne: Updates a single document matching the provided filter in the specified collection.
  • CountDocuments: Counts the number of documents matching the criteria.
  • GetEstimatedDocumentCount: Get the estimated count of documents in the collection.
  • CreateIndex: Creates an index over the collection for the provided keys with the provided options.
  • DeleteMany: Deletes all matching documents from the collection.
  • DeleteOne: Deletes a matching document from the collection.
  • Find: Finds the documents in the collection which match the provided filter.
  • FindOne: Finds the document in the collection which match the provided filter.
  • FindOneAndDelete: Finds a single document matching the filter and deletes it.
  • FindOneAndReplace: Finds a single document matching the filter and replaces it.
  • FindOneAndUpdate: Finds a single document matching the filter and updates it.
  • RunCommand: Runs a command against the database.
  • ListCollectionNames: Lists the names of the collections in the database.
  • Ping: Pings the database.

5. C++ examples

5.1. FindOne

TMap<FString, FDocumentValue> Filter;
Filter.Add(TEXT("id"), 127);

Connector->FindOne(TEXT("MyDb"), TEXT("MyCollection"), MoveTemp(Filter), FMongoDocumentCallback::CreateLambda([](bool bSuccess, const FDocumentValue& Value) -> void
    if (bSuccess)
        // The operation succeeded, it doesn't mean something was found though.
        // An error occured. Check the output log.

6. Troubleshoting

If you have a problem, the first thing to do is check the output log. Each time the Failed pin is fired, a meaningful message with a reason is printed to the logs.

6.1. Error No suitable servers found

This error means there was no server where your URI points to. The reason is most likely an invalid URI. Make sure the URI you are using allows you to connect from the device where you run the Engine, you can test it in MongoDB compass.

6.2. Error TLS handshake failed

This error happens if you are using SSL/TLS for your connection and the client doesn't trust the server.

To solve this issue, download a pem file containing your certificate issuer and then pass it to the Pem File parameter of the CreatePoolFromURI node.

SSL options

7. Support

If you need help, have a feature request or experience troubles, please contact us at


The documentation for the MongoDB Integration plugin available on the Unreal Engine Marketplace.






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