A centralized CTI tool.
PANOpticon is a Django web application that collects CTI from various publicly available sources (NIST's NVD, CISA's KEV, FIRST.org, AlienVault OTX, ExploitDB) and stores them centrally, on a CVE basis.
That information can then be used as part of the prioritization process of Vulnerability Management, allowing for CTI-informed decision making.
The project was part of my thesis in LTU's 2 years Master's Program in Information Security.
This project uses Docker containers to isolate itself from the host environment and thus it's fairly simple to get started.
You need a working installation of Docker, and a .docker_envfile
with all the required secrets in the babse directory of the project.
The contents of the docker envfile, follow the below format:
ALLOWED_HOSTS = "localhost"
SERVER_NAME = "localhost"
Once the above are set, you can start everythign by navigating into the project's base directory and running:
docker compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build
This will create panopticon's compose stack, consisting of:
- app container, that runs the Django application
- db container, that runs the PostgresSQL database
Django is available on port 8000 and Postgres on port 5432.
Once the application is running, you need to attach a shell to the app container, and create a super user for Django. This will be used to access the admin panel and be able to see the information gathered.
To do so, use the manage command createsuperuser with python manage.py createsuperuser
and follow the prompts.
The application is quite simple on its design, consisting of the Django application, that writes to a Postgres database. The complex part is the extraction of data from the various sources. The diagram that follows shows the sources used and an overview of the app.