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ClientAPI is an easy-to-use Minecraft Forge utility client API for 1.12.2

Setting up

ClientAPI uses Reflections to automatically find classes used by your client and Discord-RPC. You might have to add them to your with:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compile(group: 'org.reflections', name: 'reflections', version: '0.9.11') { exclude group: '', module: 'guava'}
    implementation 'com.github.MinnDevelopment:java-discord-rpc:2.0.2'

For Discord-RPC you also want to add the binaries which can be found here or in the 'resources' folder.

You also want to change unicode encoding with:

compileJava.options.encoding = 'UTF-8'

Or just close the repository and work from there.

Setting up ClientAPI

  • Clone the repository with git clone
  • Copy cat.yoink.clientapi to your own client. (Make sure not to include cat.yoink.example)
  • Check if everything builds fine.

Getting started

Start by creating a ClientAPI object. This can be done via the APIBuilder class. The Name, ModID and Version are required. Adding a master package with greatly improve the performance. Then, initialize the API we just created. This will load all the things needed for your client to work. After that we can load a config so all our previously saved settings are back from our last session.


@Mod(modid = Client.MOD_ID, name = Client.MOD_NAME, version = Client.VERSION)
public class Client
    public static final String MOD_ID = "client";
    public static final String MOD_NAME = "Client";
    public static final String VERSION = "1";
    public void initialize(FMLInitializationEvent event) throws InitializationException 
        ClientAPI api = new APIBuilder()
            .withMasterPackage(Package.getPackage("cat.yoink.example")) /* Or use Client.class.getPackage() */
            .withClickGUI(new ClickGUI().withWidth(80).withHeight(15))
            .withHUDEditor(new HUDEditor())

Creating a module

First, create a new class for your module and make it extend Module. Then, annotate the class with the @ClientModule annotation. This can take a name, category, Description, Bind and Visible. The Name and Category are required.


@ClientModule(name = "Sample", category = Category.MISC, description = "Demonstration module", bind = Keyboard.KEY_R)
public class SampleModule extends Module


After that, we can create methods for our module. ClientAPI comes with a default onEnable and onDisable override classes. You can also use MinecraftForge's default Event System. For SubscribeEvents, I suggest you use if (nullCheck()) return; to prevent NullPointerExceptions.


@ClientModule(name = "Sample", category = Category.MISC, description = "Demonstration module", bind = Keyboard.KEY_R)
public class SampleModule extends Module
    public void onEnable()
    public void onDisable()
    public void onDeath(LivingDeathEvent event)
        if (nullCheck()) return;
        System.out.println(event.getEntity().getName() + " just died!");

To create settings, you have to create a Setting object. This can be done through the SettingBuilder class. There are 5 types of settings Boolean, Integer, Float, Enum and Color.


@ClientModule(name = "Sample", category = Category.MISC, description = "Demonstration module", bind = Keyboard.KEY_R)
public class SampleModule extends Module
    private final Setting booleanSetting = new SettingBuilder(SettingType.BOOLEAN).withName("SampleBooleanSetting!").withModule(this).withBooleanValue(true).build();
    private final Setting integerSetting = new SettingBuilder(SettingType.INTEGER).withName("SampleIntegerSetting!").withModule(this).withIntegerValue(5).withMaxIntegerValue(0).withMaxIntegerValue(10).build();
    private final Setting floatSetting = new SettingBuilder(SettingType.FLOAT).withName("SampleFloatSetting!").withModule(this).withFloatValue(3.14f).withMinFloatValue(2.48f).withMaxFloatValue(43.43f).build();
    private final Setting enumSetting = new SettingBuilder(SettingType.ENUM).withName("SampleEnumSetting!").withModule(this).withEnumValue("Test1").addEnumValue("Test0").addEnumValue("Test1").addEnumValue("Test2").addEnumValue("Test3").build();
    private final Setting colorSetting = new SettingBuilder(SettingType.COLOR).withName("SampleColorSetting!").withModule(this).withColor(Color.YELLOW).build();
    public void onEnable()    

Creating a command

Similar to a module, we first have to create a class and extend it from the Command class. Then, we have to annotate it with @ClientCommand. This takes a name, alias(es), usage and description. The alias is what triggers a command.


@ClientCommand(name = "Prefix", aliases = { "prefix" }, usage = "prefix <character>")  
public class Prefix extends Command  

Then, to make the command work, we have to override the onRun method. Once a command is ran, this function will be executed. You can also call printUsage() which sends the usage of the command in the chat.


@ClientCommand(name = "Prefix", aliases = { "prefix", "p" }, usage = "prefix <character>")
public class Prefix extends Command
    public void onRun(String arguments)
        if (arguments.equals("")) 
        LoggerUtil.sendMessage("Prefix set to " + arguments);

Creating a HUD Component

To create a HUD Component, first we have to create a new class and extend it from the Component class. Then, we have to annotate it with @ClientComponent. This takes a name, x, y, width, height and draggable. The name is required. If you don't specify the width and height you might have to manually specify it using setW() and setH(). Then, to make the component render something, we have to override the render() method.


@ClientComponent(name = "Watermark")
public class Watermark extends Component
    public void render()
        mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(ClientAPI.getName(), getX(), getY(), -1);


To use the RPC, you must first create an application on the Discord Developers page. Then, copy the ID and add images in the Rich Presence tab. Then, create a discord rpc module and define a new Discord and add all the information you just copied. You can start it with start() and stop it with stop().


@ClientModule(name = "DiscordRPC", category = Category.MISC)
public class RPCModule extends Module
    public static Discord discordRPC = new RPCBuilder("764139387457765377").withDetails("Details").withState("State").withLargeImageKey("bigtest").withLargeImageText("Large image text").build();

    public void onEnable()

    public void onDisable()

ClickGUI & HUDEditor

To create a ClickGUI create a new class and extend it from ClickHandler. Then, override methods from ClickHandler to create your ClickGUI. For the HUDEditor, Create a class and extend it from HUDHandler and override methods from there.

Examples: ClickGUI, HUDEditor


ClientAPI comes with a few useful utilities you can use.

  • FileUtil Allows you to easily create and read files from disk.
  • LoggerUtil Allows you to print out chat messages.
  • PlayerUtil Allows you to get information about your player.
  • RenderUtil Allows you to highlight things in your world.
  • WorldUtil Allows you to place blocks in your world.


  • Fix package bug
  • Notification API
  • Improve performance
  • Mixin (Maybe)
  • More utilities


Easily create Minecraft utility mods







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