####Install and run a node application with upstart.
- Ansible v1.9.1+
- npm and node on remote host.
git clone https://github.com/PaperElectron/node-ansible-upstart.git
This file is pretty self explanitory, it contains the user names, groups and variables needed to create the upstart job.
npm_app: 'coolApp' ### application to run
service: 'my-service' ### service name
description: 'Cool app' ### description
authbind: false ### setup authbind for port 80 and 443?
service_user: coolapp ### will create /var/www/coolapp
service_group: www-data ### group, also used for authbind
env_vars: ### Env variables to add to export on service start
- env: HOME
value: /var/www/coolapp
- env: NODE_ENV
value: production
### Command to execute
start_stanza: start-stop-daemon --start -u coolapp --exec /usr/bin/authbind coolapp start
Any files needed by your application can be uploaded to the services home directory by placing them in ./files
. This is useful for config files, or anything else that your application needs to run.
This playbook is single host safe, you must include a user and host with the --extra-vars option.
# ansible-playbook node-upstart.yml --ask-sudo-pass --extra-vars "host=some.hosname user=bob"
- Install specified Nodejs version.
- Add additional granularity to upstart .conf creation
This playbook contains files and configuration to setup and run PaperElectron/Sundry with authbind.