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[Ble/Cloud bridge] Synchronize your Flower Powers with a raspberry. Now you can take holidays safely.


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Get your access API

  • username password
    • Make sure you have an account created by your smartphone.
  • client_id client_secret
    • Sign up to API here, and got by email your Access ID (client_id) and your Access secret (client_secret).

How to install

This program works with any BLE-equipped/BLE-dongle-equipped computers as well. To install it on your raspberry is really easy. You require Node (with npm) and BLE libraries.

First, you need a raspberry with a USB BLE dongle. This raspberry must be up and running. Then you need to install some required tools on your raspberry.

Step 1: NodeJs

First, nodejs needs to be installed, proceed as following:

$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb

Then do a node --version to check if it worked.

Step 2: BLE libraries

Then we need to install the BLE libraries:

$ sudo apt-get install libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libglib2.0-dev libical-dev libreadline-dev libudev-dev libusb-dev glib2.0 bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev

The command hciconfig will be show your dongle (hci0):

$ sudo hciconfig hci0 up

You should be able to discover peripheral around you. To check it, do sudo hcitool lescan and if it shows you a list of surrounding BLE devices – or at least your Flower Power -- it works fine. If not, do sudo apt-get install bluez and try again.

Step 3: Build the brigde

Now Nodejs and BLE libraries are installed.

Ready to use it

If you have cloned this project, install:

$ ./

Edit credentials.json:

	"client_id":		"...",
	"client_secret":	"...",
	"username":		 "...",
	"password":		 "...",
	"url":				"..." // Url of API cloud

And walk on the brigde:

$ ./bridge display			: To have a output:
$ ./bridge background		 : To run the program in background
$ ./bridge restart			: To restart the program
$ ./bridge status			: To show if the program is running or not
$ ./bridge stop			   : To stop the program
$ ./bridge					: To have help
How it works
  • Login Cloud
  • Loop (every 15 minutes by default)
    • Get Inforamtions from Cloud
      • Your garden
      • Your user-config
    • For each of your FlowerPowers (1 by 1)
      • Scan to discover the Flower Power
      • Retrieve his history samples
      • Send his history samples to the Cloud
  • End Loop

The program relive a new Loop only if all Flower Powers have been checked.

Quick started for developers

If you have this module in dependencies:

$ npm install node-flower-bridge
var bridge = require('node-flower-bridge');
var credentials = {
	"client_id": "...",
	"client_secret": "...",
	"username": "...",
	"password": "..."

bridge.loginToApi(credentials, function(err, res) {
	if (err) return console.error(err);
	bridge.syncAll();'...', 5);

bridge.on('newProcess', function(flowerPower) {
	console.log(, flowerPower.lastProcess);
bridge.on('info', function(info) {
bridge.on('error', function(error) {

The bridge is a continual queud. Method like syncAll synchronize or live push back to this queud.

'login' = {access_token, expires_in, refresh_token}
'info' = {message, date}
'error' = {message, date}
'newState' = state
'newProcess' = {name, lastProcess, process, date}
// Login in to the Cloud
bridge.loginToApi(credentials [, callback]);   // event: 'login'

// Get your garden configuration

// Make an automatic syncronization
var options = {
	delay: 15,      // loop delay
	priority: [],   // add a 'name'

brigde.automatic([options]); // Synchronize all flower power in your garden every 15 minutes by default
bridge.syncAll([options]); // Synchronize all flower power in your garden
bridge.synchronize(NAME); // Synchronize a flower power [, delay]); // Live for a flower power every 10 seconds by default
bridge.update(NAME, file); // Update the firmware [features: no file param = last firmware]


[Ble/Cloud bridge] Synchronize your Flower Powers with a raspberry. Now you can take holidays safely.







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