ParsinServer is a Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning System based on Find. In Parsiot, we are working on Indoor Positioning Solutions and ParsinServer is one of the main products that we were working on. After developing the code for two years, in the end, we decided to make the code free and opensource. Our reasons are as follow:
- Find is opensource : Although we changed and refactor the code base, we used Find when we started. Therefore, we sense that as our duty to make the code opensource.
- Help other research : As we spend a lot of our time to test and research on Fingerprint-based IPS solutions, We know how it can be useful or precious for any researcher to start their study and research on the pre-build code base.
- Opportunity for new contributions : Current IPS solutions that work with Wi-Fi and BLE are usually based on heuristic ideas. So we need others to contribute.
We don't provide documentation for ParsinServer and the code accessories(e.g. the Android and ios app). If you need more help email me (Mohammad Hadi Azaddel, m.h.azaddel -- at --
ParsinServer contains complete capabilities as follow:
- Dashboard consists of :
- Algorithm configs
- Algorithm hyperparameter tuning
- Display Algorithm details
- Upload different map image
- Total algorithm evaluation
Collecting and Showing Fingerprints
Arbitrary fingerprint location:
Access Points management:
Fingerprint ambiguity: helps to find similar fingerprints
RSS heatmap
Error heatmap:
Offline tracking: Use to evaluate offline collected test data. E.g. in the below figure, you can see user track as a timeline.
Error calculation: This is a complete panel to get different algorithm localization accuracy and localization details like the association between real fingerprint and the estimated positions.
Error comparison and CDF graph:
Particle Filter algorithm
UWB compatible data collection: You can collect fingerprints with the accurate localization systems like UWB. ## Android and ios app
- Tag tracking : You can use BLE and Wi-Fi tags and some signal receivers to track tags.
- Android app and react-native app (ios)
- Proximity advertisement framework, Parsin Admin Panel. It works alongside Parsinserver. Besides we provided a proximity advertisement.