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Jan Böhmer edited this page Dec 17, 2017 · 1 revision

Password reset

If a user has forgotten his password, the following options are available:

With administrator rights

An administrator can reset the passwords of other users: To do this, they must call System->User and select the desired user. In the tab "Set password" a new password can be set for the user.

With reset_admin_pw.php

If it is not possible to change a password using the above-mentioned method (e. g. because the administrator forgot his password), you can change the password as follows (access to the web server is required):

  1. Copy the file reset_admin_pw. php. noexec from the folder readme/ into the root directory of Part-DB.
  2. Rename the file to reset_admin_pw. php.
  3. open php in a browser. The main administrator's password is reset and the user name and new password are displayed.
  4. Change the administrator's password and delete the reset_admin_pw. php file.