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EN: Tips and tricks

Jan Böhmer edited this page Dec 17, 2017 · 2 revisions

Tips and tricks

Attention: All these tips always refer to the latest version of the nextgen branch. If an older version is used, it may be that functions work differently or do not exist

Use BBCode

In the part fields "Description" and "Comment" BBCode can be used for special text marking: Thus, [b]Test[/b] displays the text bold. An overview of BBCodes can be found here:

Regular expressions

There is the possibility to use so calledregular expressions in the search function: For this purpose the search option "RegEx Matching" must be activated or the expression in backslashes "" must be set. So the search \^BC\d{3}$\ would only find components that find a word "BC" followed by exactly three numbers.

Search modifiers

With the help of search modifiers, you can specify which field should be searched with which keyword. So the search inname: BC547 would only return parts that are in the name BC547. All in all, there is so far:

  • inname: : Searches the name field
  • indescription: / indesc: : Searches the part descriptions
  • incomment: : Search Comments
  • infootprint: / infoot: : Searches the footprint
  • incategory: / incat: : search category names
  • inlocation: / inloc: : Searches the storage location names
  • insupplier: / insup: : Search the suppliers
  • inpartnr: : search order numbers
  • inmanufacturer: : Search manufacturer name.

Note: These modifiers can also be used in conjunction with regular expressions (e. g. \inname: ^BC547$\.

Create new part in current category.

If you want to create a new part in the same category as the part you are working on, you have to scroll down the editing page (edit_part_info. php) to the panel Actions and then click on the button "Create new part". You will now be directed to the page for creating new parts, and you will see an input mask that is prefilled with the values of the previous part, including the category. Now you can adjust the values so that they apply to the new part and create it by clicking on "Create part".

This is especially helpful if you want to create many parts of a category.

Display all parts at a specific storage location or with a specific footprint or manufacturer

If you want to display all parts for a certain storage location or similar, you can click on the blue marked link in the line with the desired property (e. g. storage location) from the information page about a certain component (show_part_info. php). Then all components with this storage location are listed.

This is also possible in a table: If you click on a blue marked link all parts with this property are listed.

If you want to list all the parts for a certain storage location, but you do not know the component that has this storage location, you can call up the processing dialog for storage locations by choosing _Edit -> Storage location. After selecting the desired storage location, you can click on the blue marked name in the header (next to "Edit storage location:"). This leads you to the desired overview page. This also works for categories, manufacturers and footprints.

List all database components

If you want to list all parts that are available in the database, you can use the option _Show -> All parts. After a loading time (depending on the size of the database) all components that exist in the database are listed.

Other Appearance/Themes

Part-DB supports the themes ofBootswatch to get a different look: For example, there are themes based on the material design of Android, or the Metro design of Windows, or themes that simply change color and font.

To select a different theme, select System -> Configuration in the Appearance tab with the option "CSS File:". Click on Apply settings to apply the theme. The page may need to be updated using the browser's Reload button before the change is visible.

Open TreeView link in new tab

If you want to open a link from the tree view of the left side in a new tab (e. g. to switch quickly between two categories) you have to right-click on the entry. The desired page should now open in a new browser tab.

Barcode scanner on Android smartphones

If the appZXing is installed on an Androidsmartphone, you can use it to scan the barcodes on component labels with your mobile phone. To use this feature, you need to install ZXing and then run Part-DB in Mobile View. A button with a barcode symbol should appear in the menu bar. When you tap on it, ZXing opens and you can scan the barcode. If the barcode is correctly detected, the overview page of the component is opened.

Enter special characters with keyboard Often special characters such as an omega (for ohm) or other currency symbols are required. These can be entered by pressing the ALT key on the keyboard in combination with another key. For exact information on which keys produce which symbol, see the following table:

ALT + Key Created Symbol
W Omega/Ohm (Ω)
U oder M Micro (µ)
P Phi (φ)
A Alpha (α)
B Beta (β)
C Gamma (γ)
D Delta (δ)
E Euro (€)
L Pound Symbol (£)
Y Yen (¥)
O (keine Null) International currency symbol (¤)
Q Copyright symbol (©)
1 Summen character (∑)
2 Integral (∫)
3 Less-or-equal char (≤)
4 Greater-or-equal char (≥)
5 Pi (π)

Special Characters Layout

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